The African American Fellowship of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/ Delaware (AAFM/D) exists to encourage and nurture the development of partnerships among regional congregations to fulfill the work of the National African American Fellowship.


The African American Fellowship was founded in 1998 at the Skycroft Retreat Center with the Director of Missions from Prince George’s, Montgomery, and Baltimore along with the Executive Director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware.

The African American Fellowship (AAF) was originally formed as an Advisory team to the BCM/D to orient African American churches into Southern Baptist culture.


Our purpose is to provide a unified base of all Southern Baptist Churches in Maryland and Delaware that identify themselves as African American congregants. We aim to connect African American churches and pastors in order to build relationships, form partnerships, and organize fellowships with one another. We encourage African American churches to partner together to adopt and fulfill the objectives of the BCM/D and the objectives set forth by the National African American Fellowship.


The AAF envisions a BCM/D that fully embraces the great commandment, reflects the unity of the body of Christ, and celebrates our diversity while carrying out the great commission. We embrace and adopt the core values of the National African American Fellowship of the SBC. 

  • We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. 
  • We believe and support the Baptist Faith and message.
  • We believe that people are lost but created in the image of God. 
  • We believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.
  • We affirm cultural diversity in expression of worship. 

Our vision is to create a premier learning community that is intentional about developing the heart, the hands and the habits of servant leaders for global impact as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.


Our Strategy is to meet the needs of African American churches in the areas of Church PlantingChurch Growth and Revitalization, as well as Church Sending (Missions).

To accomplish these tasks, we will work through the foundational structure and strategy of the George Liele Leadership Institute (GLLI).


Our mission is to enlist and equip Believers to think and live as Christ-centered, biblically based and Holy Spirit-led Christians; and to send them back to their neighborhoods and to the nations of the world, to proclaim and advance God’s kingdom agenda in the church and society.


Upcoming Events


Strengthening Churches

Birthing New Ministries

Supporting Missions

Making a Lasting Impact


Technology and the Church

“Technology is neither good nor bad in itself. It’s all about how we use it; therefore, we must choose to use it for good, God-honoring purposes,” said Jeremy Dickson.

Over 100 Attend George Liele Missions Breakfast

The African American Fellowship of the BCM/D hosted the 2024 George Liele Breakfast.

MLK Celebration: Digging Wells of Wisdom

Colonial Baptist Church hosted the 2024 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, sponsored by the African American Fellowship of the BCM/D.

George Liele Institute has Successful First Semester

The first semester of the George Liele Institute has ended and organizers are declaring it a success.

Awareness Conference Focuses on Generation Gap and Israel

The African American Awareness Conference focused on bridging the generation gap and on Israel and the church.

Stop Dreaming and Start Walking in the Spirit of God

Bucas Sterling III issues a challenge at MLK Day prayer service — Stop dreaming and start walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.

AAF of BCM/D Introduces George Liele Leadership Institute

Two years after the Southern Baptist Convention added a George Liele Church Planting, Evangelism and Missions Sunday to the official SBC calendar, plans are underway to found a leadership institute in the name of the trailblazer who began his international ministry in Jamaica 1783.

Leadership Team

Rev. Dr. Nathaniel B. Thomas

Rev. Dr. Bernard Fuller
Executive Board Member

Rev. Victor O. Kirk, Sr.
Vice President

Rev. Dennis Marshall
Executive Board Member

Rev. Vernon Lattimore

Rev. Mark Roy
Executive Board Member

Rev. Byron Day