What is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering? 

Annie Armstrong (1850–1938) was a bold advocate for missionaries and their work. She championed missions support among Southern Baptist churches and helped create a rich legacy of people awakened and responding to God’s call to pray, give and go.

Since 1895, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering has empowered Southern Baptists’ missional work to reach the U.S., Canada, and their territories. Generation after generation, we’ve united to reach people born on our shores and the nations who come here to make a new home.

Lottie Moon

100% of your Annie Armstrong Easter Offering gifts go directly to the mission field. 

What do your gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering actually do?

  • Support more that 2,900 missionaries and their families
  • Have enabled Southern Baptist Churches to plant more than 10,000 churches in North America since 2010.
  • Continue the SBC’s almost 200 year commitment to North American missions.

Your generous giving to the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering makes an eternal impact across North America. You and your church are the fuel that enables thousands of missionaries to be sent, to plant churches, and to serve the needs of people who desperately need a gospel witness.

The North American Mission Board will be handling the distribution of all Annie Armstrong Offering Materials for the BCM/D this year.  Please click the link below to order.  Thank you!

Annie Armstrong Order Form