Consulting & Coaching

Consulting is available to empower, equip, and transform your children’s ministry into the dynamic, impactful program it was meant to be! Areas of focus include, but are not limited to:

  • leadership development
  • ministry program structure
  • facility assessment
  • volunteer leadership teams
  • outreach
  • safety and security
  • curriculum selection

Coaching sessions can be built around your needs and can be one-on-one or in a group cohort setting.


We want you to know you are not alone in ministry! It’s essential to build connections with others in ministry. At BCM/D we strive to connect ministry leaders, encourage them to share resources, develop partnerships and friendships, and care for one another. Connect Lunches are held throughout the year around the MD/DE area. Find one in your area!
Connect online in the BCM/D Youth & Kids Facebook group:

  • resources
  • articles
  • giveaways
  • ask questions
  • seek advice
  • trade resources

Vacation Bible School

Did you know that Vacation Bible School consistently accounts for 25% of all baptisms annually, according to the ACP (Annual Church Profile –  completed each year by Southern Baptist churches)? VBS is worth it! Whether your VBS is an outreach event, an evangelistic event, or a discipleship event, we’re here to encourage and cheer you on as you plan a VBS that has a lasting impact on those who attend and serve. We also offer resources, training, and personal consultations to support you and your church! Say “YES!” to VBS!

Safety & Security

It is our biblical responsibility to protect and care for those we serve. We do that by building an educated and informed community around children and youth that is fully equipped to prevent, spot and report abuse. We can provide crucial insights into safety and security and can guide you through creating robust abuse prevention systems, including volunteer screening, training resources, policies and procedures, and response plans. It is our desire that every church foster a safe environment where children and youth can grow, learn, and explore their spirituality. Please visit our Pathways page to get started or contact Kris!


There is no shortage of camp opportunities for children and youth within the BCM/D! BCM/D’s Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD hosts a full schedule of camps for children and students!

  • CentriKid (entering 3rd grade – entering 7th grade)
  • Crossings (middle and high school)
  • Reboot (winter Youth Evangelism Conference)

Children and youth can also experience a camp solely dedicated to missions awareness at WMU’s camp facility in Jarrettsville, MD, Camp Wo-Me-To.

Training & Workshops

Schedule a training session or workshop for your church! These sessions can be tailored to what your staff and volunteers need. Topics can include areas such as:

  • volunteer recruitment & management
  • Vacation Bible School
  • children’s ministry essentials
  • safety and security
  • understanding Gen Z & Alpha
  • teaching the Bible to children
  • event planning
  • sharing the gospel with children


Coming soon!

Upcoming Events


American Heritage Girls & Trail Life Flourishing in MD/DE Churches

American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA are growing leaps and bounds and two BCM/D churches are reaching their communities through these programs.

FAITH Academy Answer to 40-Years of Prayer

There were tears this morning at Faith Church Glen Burnie as parents kissed their little ones goodbye at their classrooms on the first day of the church-sponsored FAITH Academy‘s opening – a historic moment in time.

50+ Year VBS Veteran Says “Push Forward!”

Tillie Swanson, mother of Glenn Swanson, pastor of Bayside Baptist Church, Chesapeake Beach, has spent over 50 years as a Vacation Bible School (VBS) student or teacher. She was a VBS trainer for multiple Baptist conventions, including Maryland/Delaware. At 86 years young, she still serves every year.

Lifeway Celebrates 100 Years of VBS

“VBS remains one of the largest outreach efforts for Southern Baptist churches, leading to nearly 60,000 salvation decisions each year.”

A Camp Where Everyone Truly Belongs

New and returning campers arrived at Skycroft Conference Center excited to make friends, sing, dance, sit around the campfire and enjoy the whole camp experience. Ten campers came forward fo prayer during a worship service.

Partnerships Allow Church to Meet Critical Needs in Community

East Baltimore Graffiti Church members knocked on 1,000 doors asking what neighbors needed the most, then responded with a summer camp for children.

Loving and Ministering to the World at the Seaside

“I’m so amazed by how the world comes here to Ocean City, and we get to be a part of that. Our goal is to minister to students, love them, and see what God does with the seeds we plant.”

Parents Grateful for FBC Berlin’s Disability VBS

Berlin First Baptist Church had a VBS for children affected by disabilities.

Prayer Resource for Upcoming Summer Camps

Adron Dozat has designed prayer cards for summer camp at Skycroft and Camp Wo-Me-To.

Our BCM/D Family May 23

A roundup of Maryland/Delaware news and events.

Kris Buckman

Youth & Kids Missionary
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 240-674-1388