Top IMB Story Staff Picks for 2021

International Mission Board (IMB) Editor’s note: The Global Communications Team at IMB is responsible for creating the graphics, photos, videos, and stories you see on IMB’s website and beyond. We hope you enjoy looking through some of our favorite content from this year.

“I love this video where I hear the Korean language being spoken with Zambian worship music in the background. I see so much beauty in the people shown here and in the shared purpose to see Christ’s name be glorified among all peoples. This particular video is all the more special to me, as I was born and raised on the mission field of South Korea. The way Koreans are responding to God’s call to the nations is inspiring.” –Leslie Peacock Caldwell, managing editor, Richmond

“I really enjoyed the story about the missionaries/musicians with the “Stories of Hope” project in Sweden. I loved hearing about their use of the creative arts as a medium to bring Scripture to a post-Christian audience. After the story ran, the project continued throughout the year. They released a music video, a YouVersion reading plan (in English and Swedish!), were invited to perform at the Stockholm Jazz Festival and had a full concert of all their music with an orchestra last month! Not to mention, their project got coverage in the secular Swedish press! THAT is reaching the nations!” –Max Power, multimedia project specialist, West Africa

“This was the first series I worked on after joining the IMB team earlier this year. It didn’t just stand out as a first, though. This whole project impacted the way I think about my faith as a Christian in the United States. Globally, persecution is rampant, and our brothers and sisters from the nations are losing their lives, freedoms, comfort and family to stand firm in the gospel truth that I often think of casually. This project was such a compelling one to contribute to.” –Myriah Snyder, senior writer/editor, Richmond

Read more of the Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church series at

“I had the privilege of working on three story series this year. One of these was a continuation from last year – a thread that was not pulled from the seams in the global unraveling. In 2020, the uncertainty, and the daily, weekly and monthly changes in the COVID-19 situation in the world, made stasis impossible. This year, I saw the rebuilding of continuity and how God is writing a narrative from the shattered hopes, dreams, and plans of last year. Last year I began sharing stories about refugees and IMB missionaries serving among refugee communities. Ministry to refugees never stopped during COVID-19. I’m an avid reader, and my mind has been conditioned to draw parallels between themes in books and current events, and I imagine this is often what writers intend. As with Odysseus in Homer’s great epic, refugees’ odysseys are often not the most expedient, but the Lord has used many many of them to lead refugees to the knowledge of who He is.” –Caroline Anderson, writer, Southeast Asia

“I love all of our Week of Prayer resources. This project involved many on our team using various talents and broadened our resources to include kids this year. The interactive videos and activity sheets are a great way to introduce kids to international stories about our missionaries and how they can support them with prayer.” –Terry Pedigo, graphic design lead, Richmond

“Caroline Anderson wrote the article to a video I made about Temple of Thailand. I helped film the drone footage and interviews. I enjoyed the interviews I was able to do with two IMB missionaries in Thailand and hearing how they share the gospel in a Buddhist country.” –Andrew Riversvideographer, Southeast Asia

“This was my favorite video I made this year. The Tinleys are doing amazing work among Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, and the varying cultural emphases of certain passages in different languages is one of my favorite things to talk to missionaries about!” – Nick Seitz, video archivist/editor, Richmond

To read more 2021 top stories from, visit

Featured Image: Christian Tartar men gather to pray. Tartars in Crimea, a disputed territory, are predominantly Muslim. Tartar Christians are often persecuted for their faith. (IMB Photo)