Strengthening Churches Grants

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Strengthening Churches Grants?
These funds are made available to assist in projects designed to expand the outreach and ministry of churches in existence for three years or more. The maximum grant per project will not exceed $4,000. Grant funds are approved by a BCM/D General Mission Board (GMB) Committee. Only one project request will be considered from any church or association. If a church has received a grant in a previous year for a project, additional applications for a grant must be for a different project.
What are the Criteria for Grant Funding?

Due to limited resources, requests for projects related to construction or transportation will not be considered. First-time requests will be given priority. Grants will be funded based on the following predetermined criteria:

  1. Potential for reaching and discipling unchurched people
  2. Potential for continued influence in the church or association ministry
  3. Innovation
  4. Availability of other resources for funding the project
  5. Project fits into a comprehensive vision/strategy that would conserve/magnify results
  6. Church or Association has demonstrated its support of the Cooperative Program and/or the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware mission causes
  7. Those receiving Strengthening Churches Funds must agree to submit a final evaluation of the project within thirty days after the completion of the project. Failure to submit a written evaluation may jeopardize the consideration of any future grant applications.
  8. Priority will be given to churches and associations that are submitting first-time requests.
  9. Church plants in existence for three years or less are NOT eligible for a Strengthening Churches grant.
What Documents Must be Submitted with the Grant Application?
  1. A copy of your current budget
  2. Your most recent monthly or quarterly financial statement
  3. A detailed explanation and cost projection for the proposed project

Applications submitted with incomplete documentation will not be considered.

What are Important Dates for Grant Applications?
  1. Grant applications may be submitted from February 1st through April 30th.
  2. April 30th is the deadline for receiving grant applications.
  3. Recipients will be determined by the committee on or before May 31st. If grant is approved, you will receive notification via email by June 15th and grants (contract and check) will be delivered to the church on or before June 30th.
How Do I Submit the Grant Application and Supporting Documents?

Submit grant applications by April 30th, using one of the following methods:

Scan and Upload Documents
Scan and upload documents in the Application Section of this webpage

If emailing, scan all documents and email to: [email protected]

If mailing documents, send to:

Margot Painter
Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware
10255 Old Columbia Road
Columbia, MD 21046-1716

What are the Post Grant Funding Requirements?

If you are awarded grants funds, you will be required to submit a written evaluation within 30 days of completion of the project to the Strengthening Churches Grants Committee of the General Mission Board.

Please include your evaluation of the overall success of the project and at least one positive outcome from the effort. Submit written evaluation via email to [email protected]. Failure to submit a written evaluation may jeopardize consideration of future grant applications.

Who Do I Contact if I have Questions?

The GMB Committee Staff Liaison Mark Dooley, Committee Assistant Margot Painter, as well as any member of the Strengthening Churches Grants Committee are available to assist in answering questions and/or help with the application process. Send an e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected]. Or call Mark Dooley at (240) 577-1601.

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Watch the below interview with Mark Dooley and Ebony Davis who serves as the Youth Minister at Trinity Baptist Church. Hear her talk about the Church Strengthening Grant they received in 2022.