By Tom Stolle
The BCM/D Revive Conference for women is fast approaching. On March 7-8 in Annapolis, Maryland, where 700 women will gather to be equipped, encouraged, supported, sharpened, and loved by other women seeking the same thing: to draw closer to Jesus!

Tom Stolle serves as the Executive Director of the BCM/D, and is always quick to share how much he loves his wife, Shelley. (BCM/D photo)
As a husband, I have been blessed by the Revive Conference. How? Through my incredible wife, Shelley. Yes, I said INCREDIBLE! Shelley has been a follower of Jesus for years. I saw the impact of what God did through the women’s ministry of the BCM/D, and more specifically, the Revive Conference. I saw God light a fire in Shelley that makes me want to stand and cheer! The impact of the messages, the breakouts, the fellowship, the equipping…all of it…impacted my wife deeply.
Something powerful happened. That fire spread to me.
That’s what fire does. It spreads. Our relationship between us and our relationship to God was taken to another level. This ministry gave Shelley just what she needed, and through her, I received so much more than I could have ever imagined.
This ministry matters…BIG TIME!
God has used what has happened in Shelley to draw me closer to God and to Shelley. It has been amazing! I wouldn’t trade what has happened for anything.
This causes me to consider what the Bible says about a godly wife.
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12 (NLT)
The life commitment Shelley and I made to one another has proven to be one of the wisest decisions of my life. A decision to bind my life to hers changed my life not just for the better but for the best!
As I look at the three boys we raised together, the life we have built together, the dreams we had, the dreams we still have, the ups, the downs, the victories, the defeats, the challenges, the celebrations, the smiles, the tears, the joy, and the pain, I know this: I would do it all again with Shelley without hesitation. Sign me up again!!!!
Through this journey of life, one of the greatest gifts is a godly spouse. Shelley has truly brought me good and not harm. Shelley is more precious to me than any possession. Shelley is trustworthy and has enriched my life in ways I could have never imagined.
Yes, when I read Proverbs 31:10-12, Shelley jumps off the page, and I say to God, “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS INCREDIBLE GIFT!” I can’t imagine my life without her.
To see my wife more enriched, more energized, and even more passionate due to the impact of what BCM/D is doing to strengthen our churches through pouring into women is one of the things that is driving me as I serve the churches in the BCM/D. I deeply feel the impact of this women’s ministry as it overflows from Shelley.
Ladies, I urge you to attend the Revive Conference. It’s special.
Gentlemen, encourage the women in your life that you love and care about to attend. The women will be blessed. Men, you will benefit in so many ways from what those women you love bring back into your life!
Visit our website to learn more and register for the Revive Women’s Conference!
Feature photo by Sharon Mager