Pray for “Beach Reach”

Hi all! This is Jess Senasack, the Baptist student minister at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP). Currently, we have students from other Baptist Collegiate Ministry groups around the country in Panama City Beach, Florida. They are spending their spring breaks sharing the gospel with their fellow college students! They are participating in a ministry called “Beach Reach,” where they reach out to “spring breakers” by sharing the gospel on the beach during the day and through free van rides and street evangelism at night.

You can pray LIVE with the students who are in the vans and on the streets each night between Sunday and  Thursday from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. EST (yes, we’re out REALLY late!) through Mar. 23. Go to and click on the prayer link. Or, you can also check the link anytime to see what happened the night before!

Our staff and students from the UMCP and Towson University will be there from Friday, March 18, to Thursday, March 24. So, please be praying for our preparation, travels, and ministry! We’re excited to see how God will use our students to change lives for eternity.

In His service,

Jessica Senasack is the director of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at UMCP.