There are so many praise reports and happenings coming in from many areas throughout Maryland/Delaware. Below are just a few! Share your news at [email protected].
The threat of rain didn’t stop 650 people from attending Redland Baptist Church‘s “Redfest” block party earlier this month in partnership with WGTS 91.9 radio station, who did a live broadcast during the event. Due to the forecast of inclement weather, the events were moved inside, but Kevin Freeman, acting pastor, said it worked out great. They had children’s games, a moonbounce, and multiple booths with free giveaways. food trucks outside, free ice cream, and music — including the popular band Newsboys.
Freeman said God was working in amazing ways. The event started out as a plan for a concert for the church, perhaps getting a few outside groups in and having ice cream. Through a few church members associated with WGTS, Freeman got connected with the radio staff who said they’d promote the event, broadcast from the church as part of “Ice Cream Tour 2024.” The church planned for their orchestra to play and the Waterboyz choir to sing.
Then the church got a surprise. The Newsboys were coming out with a new album. Michael Tait, a lead singer with the band, was from the area, and they were seeking venues to help promote the album — could Redland Church be a venue? The band could visit the church briefly and do a few songs promoting the band and Redland’s “Redfest.” There was no fee. The band asked about what the church could provide as far as audio support is concerned. It wasn’t much, Freeman said, and they wondered if it all could come together. But it did!
The Newsboys kicked off the day with a short acoustic concert. The gym was filled, and the audience rocked, shouting “God’s Not Dead, He’s Only Alive” during the chorus of the popular song.
Freeman said the event was a great opportunity for the church to serve together. Redlanders in red shirts were scattered throughout the crowd, welcoming and engaging guests. Some served at booths, and others helped with games.
Girls Camp
The girls’ camp at Camp Wo-Me-To, Jarrettsville, this year brought 30 campers — many new to the camp experience. Even in sweltering heat, the girls and leaders were upbeat and energetic. The theme was “Always on God’s Mind,” and the key Bible verse was “How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalm 139:17-18
In the morning, campers rotated through Bible study, crafts, and a presentation by a missionary. Following lunch, they chose between swimming (a favorite, said many campers), recreation/snack shack, and crafts in the afternoons. The girls were also given an opportunity to select their favorite afternoon activity — artistic expression, nature/hiking, leadership and choir. Other activities included time for ice cream floats, a movie, a bonfire with s’mores, and a hayride.
Camp Director Spring Lee said, “It seemed that the speakers took every opportunity to share the gospel.” Lee said the Holy Spirit was moving, especially during Bible Study, Chapel services, and during Missions.
Lee reported that four girls and one adult made professions of faith and one adult felt called to missions.
Morgan Davis, the wife of Pastor Chris Davis, Northwest Baptist Church, was the camp speaker.
Skycroft Plaque Presentation
Sisters Jana and Jeanette, daughters of James Allcock and Mary Delaine Allcock, invite all to the dedication ceremony of a memorial plaque honoring Rev. Allcock and Rev. John Saunders at Skycroft Conference Center. The dedication will be at 3 p.m. on August 11 in Gresham Hall. Light refreshments will be provided.
James Allcock and John Saunders were both strongly instrumental in much of the logistical planning and the beginning of Skycroft.
Saunders served BCM/D in the areas of church music and student ministry and was the director of Brotherhood, including the Royal Ambassadors and camping programs. Later, Allcock was added as the first full-time state music secretary, with dreams of summer music camps. Those dreams came to fruition at Skycroft.
The men shared a similar vision for Skycroft to be a place where churches and individuals could come for fellowship, worship, discipleship and training to impact the world with the gospel.
Refreshments will be served.
Register here for this special event:
Feature Photo: Kevin Freeman (red), acting pastor of Redland Church, poses with The Newsboys and WGTS staff.