Spring is almost here and there’s a lot happening in Maryland/Delaware churches. We’d love to hear from you and share your news! What exciting ministries are happening in your church? How is God moving? Send us your stories and photos. Email [email protected].

Cindy and Danny Moore said goodbye to their Barnesville Baptist Church family on Sunday. Danny begins serving as pastor of FBC Damascus on February 11. (Photo courtesy of the Moore family)
Danny Moore is Called to FBC Damascus
Danny Moore has accepted a call to pastor First Baptist Church of Damascus. His first Sunday in the pulpit will be February 11. Moore, with his wife, Cindy, pastored Barnesville Baptist Church for over nine years. He served as associate pastor from 2014-2015, before moving into the senior pastor position on Sept. 2015. Barnesville Church had a farewell celebration for the couple on Jan. 28.
“We will miss Barnesville. They are such really good people — very loving. They placed their hands on us and prayed for us. It was beautiful,” said Danny. The church had a luncheon following the farewell service and presented Danny with a plaque. They also honored Danny and Cindy with multiple posts on Facebook celebrating his decade of service and reflecting on the ministry memories.
Danny is excited to begin his new position with FBC Damascus. He looks forward to engaging the community, especially getting involved with local schools. He was very encouraged to hear from Pastor Travis Johnson from Tri-County Baptist Church, Gaithersburg, welcoming Danny with the hope of partnering for ministry in the future.

Danny and Cindy were pleased with their reception from FBC Damascus. The church put fake sheep on their lawn with a sign that read, “Thank you for leading our flock.” (courtesy of the Moore family)
FBC Damascus went all out welcoming their new pastor. Danny chuckled as he shared how the church placed fake sheep on their lawn with a sign that read, “Thank you for Leading Our Flock.” The church leadership also demonstrated their care for Cindy by encouraging her to choose paint colors and appliances to make the house her home.
A House of Prayer
Paul Bachman, the pastor of North Glen Community Church, Glen Burnie, continually tells the North Glen Community Church congregation that he wants to see NGCC become a house of prayer. For years, he has had that vision and now, he is seeing how God has been moving.
Bachman shared that he and several others from the church visited Brooklyn Tabernacle over a decade ago. The group stood in the long lines waiting to enter the building. Bachman said he went forward to prayer and, at that time, said he prayed to see NGCC become a house of prayer, and now, the church is praying like never before.
“We started the year off with a prayer and fasting service,” Bachman said. We‘ve done that for years, as long as I can remember.” They began praying before services in a designated prayer room that was filling to capacity. Then, when Covid hit, they moved to Zoom. They continued on Zoom for a half hour of prayer, which increased to 45 minutes. Bachman established a prayer team to assist at the end of worship services during the decision time. “Prayer also continues after service,” Bachman said. He looks around, and pairs or groups of people are praying together.
Members also pray via Zoom twice a week and during multiple small groups. Bachman said another huge opportunity for prayer is during the monthly mobile food pantry. As hundreds of cars line up, intake workers greet the guests, and drivers answer questions — one of which is whether they would like prayer. Many check, “yes.” They pull off to the side where members pray with them, or sometimes intake workers pray with them on the spot during the registration process. Many are Spanish, and several in the congregation who speak the language are designated to pray with them.
Bachman said he spent time in 2023 emphasizing praying the scriptures. “I’ve seen people change the way they pray from that, praying through the scriptures. ”

The theme for this year’s ONE HOPE Conference is “Christ Alone.”
They are now in the process of doing a 42-day prayer for spiritual cleansing — cleansing the sins of thought, attitudes, speech, relationships, commission, omission, self-rule, and self-reliance.
Bachmans said the church has been developing a hunger for prayer.
NGCC is one of many partnering churches hosting one of the BCM/D Associatonal prayer meetings.
“We’re seeing the power of prayer, and God is answering prayer. He doesn’t always say ‘yes,’ but we trust He knows best,” Bachman said.
Conference Opportunities
Register now for this year‘s ONE HOPE Conference, a ministry of The Garden Church, Baltimore. ONE HOPE Conference gathers like-minded, gospel-centered believers applying the historic doctrines of the faith to contemporary urban issues and church ministry.
The ONE HOPE website says, “Every two years, we gather to explore the doctrines of our faith. We strive for theological depth yet keep it simple and accessible. For this reason, it’s for theologians and lay people. It’s for church members and pastors. For church planters and nonprofit workers. For missionaries and mothers, fathers, youth, and our neighbors. We want to gather everyone together and think about theology and ministry.”
This year’s theme is “Christ Alone.”

Many Maryland/Delaware leaders attend and several will speak at Oak Ridge Church‘s annual DREAM Church Conference.
There is a $10.00 fee to cover the cost of lunch, but organizers stress they don’t want to keep anyone away due to an inability to pay. Email [email protected] if you have any questions or needs.
For more information, including a list of speakers and registration information, visit www.onehopeconference.com
Several BCM/D Pastors and staff are involved in the incredibly popular Dream Church Conference at Oakridge Church, Salisbury. Richard Pope, the pastor of Canvas Church, Salisbury, is a plenary speaker. Kris Buckman, BCM/D Children’s & Youth Ministry Missionary, will lead breakout sessions on abuse prevention, and Lisa Hancock, the wife of Rick Hancock, pastor of Emmanuel Church, Huntingtown, will lead a session on human trafficking.
The conference leaders’ goal is, “…to assist other churches in discovering God’s dream for their church by equipping church leaders with the practical tools they need to grow a healthy, vibrant church and become difference-makers in their communities.”

Dan Hyun shared at the first of a series of evangelism trainings sponsored by the Blue Ridge Baptist Association.
Blue Ridge Evangelism
On Jan. 27, the Blue Ridge Baptist Association hosted an evangelism training event at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, Rohrersville. The event, the first of many planned for the next few years, brought together local leaders to better understand and deepen their skills in evangelism. BCM/D Partnership Team Leader Dan Hyun was the guest speaker. Attendees also enjoyed coffee, baked goods and fellowship.