Top view of hand holding teal ribbon on dark background with copy space. Cervical and ovarian cancer, sexual assault, pcos, ptsd, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and scleroderma awareness concept.

By Sharon Mager

NEWARK, De. — Ogletown Baptist Church’s Women on Mission group recently delivered 2,842 diapers and 6,780 wipes to A Door of Hope Pregnancy Crisis Center. That’s a big difference from their last delivery of 300 diapers and wipes.

“This year, God just put it on the hearts of these sweet women to give more,” said WMU President Connie Seydell. We also focused on making sure we had diapers for older children and not just babies,” she said.

Seydell laughed as she said, “We came into the crisis center with our arms full and put everything down. They thanked us, and we said, “We’re not finished,” We absolutely filled their conference room with diapers and wipes. “It was such a joy to fill their needs. They said the diapers would last them about four months.“

“We plan on doing it again next year and break our record. These ladies just love the Lord and want to do mission work for him.”

The WMU also provided Christmas backpacks for Appalachian children during the holidays, and they provided fresh fruit for patrons at a local soup kitchen.

Seydell said, “We are always looking for ways to share Jesus, locally and globally!”

Ogletown Baptist Church has a passion for local, national, and international. Missions. It’s pleased to have several members who serve as IMB missionaries. These include Nick Fisher, who recently returned from serving as a journeyman in Mozambique and is now headed to seminary (the church provides funds for his housing and living expenses, and the WMU funds his books), career Missionaries Joe and Elizabeth Blandeburgo, who are now on furlough but will return to their mission field in the Philippines soon, and James Edinger, a career missionary serving in Africa.

Seydell said the church’s WMU is named after another missionary, Ann Ford. Ann and her husband Marvin served over 30 years as IMB missionaries in Ecuador.

Visit our website to learn more about WMU and missions! 

Feature Photo: Rachel Wood, Connie Seydell, and Joe Miller deliver diapers to a crisis pregnancy center. (Facebook photo)