Maryland/Delaware Roundup June 9, 2022

“For those of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ. There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise.” Col. 3:26-29

OBC Happenings — baptism, new pavilion, and Father/Daughter Dance

Olney Baptist Church, (OBC) dedicated its new pavilion and baptized two young believers at an outdoor service on June 5. Members gathered, prayed, toasted with apple cider, and enjoyed the day. The church has moved to their summer schedule, meeting at 10 a.m., now under the pavilion.  To give volunteers a break, Wednesday evening services will be online.

OBC will have its annual father-daughter dance on June 18, just in time for Father’s Day weekend. The luau-themed event will include games, food, and giveaways. A DJ will provide music for dancing. The church is excited to be able to decorate the pavilion for the event.

The dance draws over 70 people each year, and more than half are from the Olney community. Members provide information about the church.

As a result of the dance, many have visited the church, and some have been attending regularly. Others are agreeable to receiving additional information about upcoming church events.

The dance is open to all. For more information and to register, visit the church’s Facebook event page. 

Graudation and Baptism

Glenn Swanson (right) prepares to baptize eight-year-old Aliya (shown with her mother). (photo submitted)

Bayside Baptist Church in Chesapeake Beach celebrated graduation and had a baptism on June 5. High School Graduate Josh Bryan, a senior at Huntingtown High School, supports two Compassion International children and shared about the ministry. Byran plans to attend Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest after completing his first two years at a community college. Swanson followed Byran’s testimony with a message on kindness.

Swanson closed the service by baptizing eight-year-old Aliya, who recently made a profession of faith.

Gates Church Summer Outreach

The Gates Church in Baltimore had a “Come to Church Sunday” and baptismal service on June 5, emphasizing inviting friends to worship. Senior Pastor Austin O’Donald baptized his daughter Carry Ann. O’Donald has set a goal of baptizing 40 people this year.

In the evening, members came back to church for a missions night to hear from Gary Toft Jr. about Eastern European Ukrainian orphan care and from a representative from Child Evangelism Fellowship. The church is considering starting a Good News Club ministry.

On June 24, the church will have a “Summer Kick-Off fair,” followed by Vacation Bible School from June 27-July 1.

Other events include a student life camp. Additionally, Summer mission teams will be partnering with the church through June and July to help with building improvements and outreach.

Church Partners With Campus Life

The Church at Severn Run serves monthly meals to high school students who attend Metro Maryland Youth For Christ Campus Life and City Life groups at Grace Point Presbyterian Church. This month, members brought tacos and ice cream sundaes. Severn members eat with the students, get to know them, and build relationships. This month the Severn Run team also gave students free groceries. Each took a full bag home with canned goods, non-perishables, and frozen foods. Campus Life Leader Gregory Shade said the church has been tremendous, not only helping with the food, but sitting down with teens, getting to know them, and even helping them find jobs.

Shade said Campus Life groups are not meant to replace a church family or youth group. Partnering with a group is a great opportunity to meet needs and offer a home church to the students.

High Tide Building Program Continues

The building continues in Dagsboro for High Tide Church’s new facility in Dagsboro, Delaware. The congregation has been meeting for 18 years but did not have a building to call their own. They currently meet at the Roxana Volunteer Fire Department in Frankford, DE. They have also met at John M. Clayton Elementary School and at Lord Baltimore Elementary School. Pastor Andy Ehler said God has always given the church a place to meet. Now they’re waiting for the completion of their own building. Watch the Facebook Video for an update.

RTBC Missions Support Weekend

Riva Trace Baptist Church (RTBC) in Annapolis will have a missions support weekend June 11-12. On Saturday, they’ll have a yard sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Then, on June 12, they’re offering “grab & go” lunches after worship service. Choose from pulled pork or chicken with sides. Proceeds will be used to support summer missions.

Having a Ball With Gospel Conversations

C.J. Matthews, the pastor of Bethany Church, Columbia, set a goal of 4,000 gospel conversations, with a goal of increasing confessions of faith and baptisms. The church is using balls as a visual help and motivation. As members have gospel-oriented conversations with unbelievers, they mark the person’s initials on the ball and then put them into a clear display box at the church.

To help, Matthews said members were equipped with conversation starter ideas such as, “May I pray with you?” or “What do you think about religion?”

Matthews said, “The idea isn’t that you talk to every person you come in contact with, but the same unbelievers you talk with every week,” Matthews. It’s about being more strategic. He encourages members to keep a ball or two in the car to remind them to be strategic.

Will they reach the 4000 goal this year? Probably not, Matthews concedes, but he plans to keep the initiative going into 2023.

“Our goal is to change culture, not that we meet a goal.”


On Sunday, May 29, 2022, Dr. Gordon Fox, the pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Sunset Beach in Pasadena, announced that he will step down as pastor effective after worship on June 26. Fox will join his wife  Rina in Okinawa, Japan, where she is caring for her mother. Fox will stay and work in Japan, serving as an engineering consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton under contract to the U.S. Marine Corps in Okinawa. Dallas Bumgarner will provide pulpit supply through August.

Robin Shifflett, the pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Gambrills announced his upcoming retirement. His last day on staff is September 3. No definite plans have been made.

History Bites

Camp Wo-Me-To

  • 1950 — Camp Wo-Me-To began with the purchase by the WMU of Maryland of 148 acres in Harford County for $7,655
  • 1989 — On a Sunday afternoon in May 1989, a capacity crowd met for the dedication service at the new Baptist Center in Columbia, Maryland, with BCM/D President Burnis Barrett leading the service. In the True Union photo are Convention Directors Roy Gresham, Charles Barnes, and Ken Lyle.

Quotable Quotes 

God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go.” Dr. Tony Evans

“Faith does not eliminate questions, it knows where to take them.” Elisabeth Elliott

BCM/D Upcoming Events:
  • August 10: Connect Lunches! For Children & Youth Leaders  —  Let us take you to lunch! You deserve it! Connect with BCM/D Children’s and Youth Ministry Consultant Kris Buckman and other children’s and youth leaders in your area.
  • June 28: Lunch With Michael Crawford — BCM/D Executive Director Michael Crawford wants to get to know you! Join him for lunch, a short talk, and a time of Q&A at the BCM/D office in Columbia. The event is open to pastors, church leaders, and members and is free of charge. Space is limited, so register early.
  • August 23: Core Value Index Webinar (CVI)— The CVI quantifies the unchanging innate nature of a person that inscribes where a person can make their highest and most productive contribution to the world. This is an interesting tool that can help you in your ministry and personal life.
  •  Sept. 14 — Healthy Leaders for Healthy Churches: Revitalizing Volunteer Leadership — Volunteer leaders are a vital part of any non-profit organization, including churches. Leading volunteers well is necessary to promote the effectiveness and success of your team. The material presented in these sessions is built on the leadership training strategies of Mark Miller, the Vice President of High-Performance Leadership for the Chick-Fil-A corporation. (Skycroft Conference Center)
  • Sept. 15 — Healthy Leaders for Healthy Churches: Revitalizing Volunteer Leadership — Volunteer leaders are a vital part of any non-profit organization, including churches. Leading volunteers well is necessary to promote the effectiveness and success of your team. The material presented in these sessions is built on the leadership training strategies of Mark Miller, the Vice President of High-Performance Leadership for the Chick-Fil-A corporation. (Baptist Center Offices, Columbia)
  • Sept. 24 — Going Beyond Live With Pricilla Shirer — An Event for Women Seeking Jesus. Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena at UMBC 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore. 

Send your news with photos to [email protected] for consideration.