LifeHouse Kenya Mission Trip Makes Eternal Impact
TOWNSEND, De. — Many individuals start their missions experience locally, gradually moving to something a little further away, and eventually, they take flight on an international trip. Not so for a team from LifeHouse Church MOT. Five of a seven-person team were newbies headed to Kenya as part of a partnership with Full Life Ministry Kenya (FLMK).
God opened the door to the Kenya ministry through church member Kenny Chivington. He was called to missions in his 60s and now serves as a bishop (overseer) of planting and works primarily with churches in western Kenya. Kenny’s son is also a member of LifeHouse Church and has been involved in supporting his father’s ministry. LifeHouse has been partnering with FLMK for five years through prayer and giving prior to sending the team.
Church member Joseph Hall*, who visited Kenya last year on a vision trip, led the team of five men and two women who prayed, worshipped, and shared the gospel together with brothers and sisters in Kenya. They helped with outreach activities and projects and assisted the FLMK-sponsored Triumphant Grace Academy ministry.
They shared their experiences at a special service at LifeHouse Church last month, and Missions and Outreach Pastor Joel Miller said, “They were so excited! The excitement was oozing from them. It was great listening to their testimonies and seeing the pictures. You could tell God had impacted every single one of them!”
The Journey Begins
The first stop in Kenya was the Bissil Church. The church has been growing, and while they have a church building, the Sunday School program has completely outgrown its small shelter. LifeHouse contributed supplies for a Sunday School building, and the team was able to help the local crews clear the ground and put up the roof for the new building.
The Maasai Church in Ormanie was the next destination, where another building project was sponsored by LifeHouse. The church here had previously had its roof blown off by heavy winds and was unfit for use. The Maasai people welcomed the mission team in their traditional fashion, dressed with bright red and purple robes, headdresses, and jewelry, joyfully singing and dancing as they approached (see video below). LifeHouse members were able to share testimonies, pray over the building materials, and help put in the corner posts.
[/caption]School Ministry, Parasite Removal Ministry and More
The next leg of the trip was in the Manyatta/Marigoli area, where the FLMK main church and headquarters is located. Here, the team visited FLMK’s school, Triumphant Grace Academy (grades Pre-K to 2nd), joined in morning flag raising and songs, helped serve the daily porridge, put on a skit based on Daniel 3 for the children, visited with the teachers and students in the classrooms, and shared the gospel message with the children and visiting parents.
Later, the team helped FLMK with outreach in a poor area, which included parasite removal, prayers for the land and people, serving tea, and an open-air evangelism message where some professed faith in Christ.
Miller said the account of the parasite removal was fascinating and unexpected. Though it wasn’t a medical mission trip, Miller said team members were willing to do whatever God put before them. He said parasites are a common problem in the area. Many are living with dirt floors and going barefoot. “They burrow into the victim’s skin, and it can be very painful. They get into feet, legs, arms and backs. One church has a monthly ministry where they remove the parasites, pray with the people and give them medicine.” Several members of the team jumped right in and helped with cutting out the parasites.”
It’s a picture of the gospel, said Miller, when one realizes they are in sin and understands they can’t get rid of it themselves. “We submit to Jesus to do surgery on our hearts—to remove our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh.”
Souls Saved & Building
Team members also visited two satellite churches and shared in worship at each. Sunday service was at the main church, where two of the LifeHouse team members preached, and approximately six new believers came forward to repent and accept Christ. Small group Bible studies that evening allowed for more fellowship and Bible study, as well as time to build relationships.
After a drive to Maili-Saba, which is the second largest church for FLMK, the LifeHouse team was able to join in worship, participate in a small group Bible study, and do some door-to-door evangelism. The team split into three groups, each joining with some leaders from FLMK. Working together, many more souls were brought to Christ. Hall said the FLMK team has a strong discipleship and follow-up program, so they kept contact information for all new believers to continue discipleship. One of the visits was to a newer church in a very poor area; the team was able to worship and evangelize there as well.
In addition, the LifeHouse team was also able to see how the pastors support themselves through farming and metal fabrication, making metal gates, doors and window frames. They visited seven of the nine total FLMK churches, provided gifts to pastors and teachers, helped a sister in Christ set up a shop, visited with an IMB missionary, enjoyed lots of local food, and finished the trip with a short safari.
Hall said the time they spent in prayer, worship, and encouragement with the FLMK pastors, their families, leaders, and congregations was amazing and edifying for all involved. “We praise God for the opportunity He gave us to serve alongside fellow believers!”
This article was written by Joseph Hall* and Joel Miller.
*Name changed for security
The video below shows the Maasai people welcoming the LifeHouse mission team in their traditional fashion. (Courtesy of LifeHouse Church)