Lament Over Violence Against Asian-Americans

In light of recent acts of violence against Asian-Americans, Dr. Kevin Smith, executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware (BCM/D), expressed concern, encouragement and love in a video addressed to churches.

Smith shared from Romans 12:15, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

The BCM/D is one of the more ethnically and linguistically diverse conventions within the Southern Baptist Convention. Smith emphasized that he values that rich diversity, which includes many Asian languages — Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese.

“I want to encourage churches,” Smith emphasized. “We are appalled at any partiality or prejudice that would come your way.

“I hope today that hundreds of congregations that make up the BCM/D will be in prayer that God’s peace will prevail in many of our communities.” Smith also encouraged those that profess to be followers of Christ to “reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Particularly here in Maryland/Delaware, I want to send a word of prayer and greetings to our brothers and sisters of Asian ethnicity, and congregations that worship in Asian languages. We are one in the Lord Jesus Christ and we love you, our brothers and sisters. We condemn any violence targeted at a person because of their ethnicity, not only as sinful and ungodly, but certainly as something we would pray against,” he added.

Smith encourages Maryland/Delaware churches to pray that God’s peace will prevail.