Iris White Retires After 21 Years

COLUMBIA, Md. — Iris White retired on June 14, after serving over two decades with the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware. Arriving just before 9/11 as a former elementary school teacher, she began serving as managing editor of BaptistLIFE (BL) assisting in all aspects of the publication process, encouraging and providing spiritually mature insights. She, with the communications team, helped in the evolution of BCM/D communication, including BL originally produced in a newspaper format, later a magazine, eventually adding a web and social media presence.

She seamlessly transitioned to various administrative positions throughout convention life including serving as the assistant to the executive director; information technology and facilities manager; and finally assistant to the associate executive director Tom Stolle. For years she was the voice of the BCM/D, taking calls, and providing answers. White became the “go-to” person for most BCM/D questions and answers. She also supported the BCM/D’s General Mission Board, and she coordinated the BCM/D annual meeting.

Stolle said, “It has been a joy to serve alongside Iris for many years. She is a wonderful person, kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. She deeply, passionately cares about the work of the BCM/D, about the churches, pastors, and convention staff, and she’s a real prayer warrior. I have massive respect for her.

“God calls people in, and God calls people out, but there will never be another Iris.”

At the May GMB meeting, Stolle recognized Iris and presented her flowers. On her last day, the staff enjoyed a retirement luncheon to honor her and her years of service. She will also be recognized at the BCM/D annual meeting.

Iris is a grandmother, a pianist, a weaver, and a pastor’s wife. She serves with her husband Ken, who pastors Boulevard Christian Church in Essex, Maryland. She will enjoy more time with Ken and her family and serving in the church.

Sharon Mager is a communications specialist and BaptistLIFE reporter.