Over 80 women from Hispanic churches in Maryland/Delaware gathered at Skycroft Conference Center for a retreat on Aug. 25-26. The theme was “What is the Value of a Woman?” based on Matthew 13:45-46, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”

Claudia Reyes shared a devotional at the Hispanic Women’s Conference. (Photo by Sharon Mager)
Teenagers through seniors sang, praised God, and prayed and leaders shared devotionals. They enjoyed fellowship over meals, laughing, talking, and making new friends. At a campfire, they made s’mores, sang, and heard testimonies.
Wendy Carranza, the wife of Ernesto Carranza, the pastor of Iglesia Bautista Redención, Silver Spring, helped plan and lead the retreat. Wendy said, “We had a wonderful time where the sisters shared their experiences. Many of us cried and one of our sisters surrendered her heart to Christ. It was worth all the plans and the coordination efforts that we made in each church.”
Claudia Reyes, the wife of Eliud Reyes, pastor of Iglesia Bautista de Denton, also helped. Reyes said “One of my biggest blessings was being able to come together with so many of my sisters in Christ to fellowship and worship our Lord.

The Hispanic Women’s Conference gave women, young and old, opportunities to fellowship and laugh together while learning more about God and worshipping Him. (Photo by Sharon Mager)
“I felt like I was at a big family reunion with many of my sisters that I had not seen in years or even met before.
Reyes said many women have commented what a blessing it was to them and how they can’t wait to do it again.
Wendy said, “For me, the retreat was an answer to the prayer of many sisters, including me… We had the desire to share our faith as a woman. It was a wonderful time because many affirmed their commitment to God’s design for our lives.”
Feature photo: Campfire time is always fun at all of the camps and retreats at Skycroft Conference Center. (Photo by Sharon Mager)