Creating an Ethnically Inclusive Children’s Ministry

By Kris Buckman

I’m excited to share that our final scheduled online Kidmin Forum meeting on June 30 will focus on creating an ethnically inclusive children’s ministry. Our guests will be Dorena Williamson, a children’s book author, and Kathie Philips, a children’s ministry director from Baltimore.

“ColorFull” By Dorena Williamson

With all of the recent headlines regarding systemic racism, we’ve each been forced to cry out to God to search our hearts and change what needs to be changed, heal what needs to be healed, and to help us love others with the same love Jesus bestowed.

Lasting change starts with our children, as they become the future. I have been personally convicted to step back and observe the children’s ministry at my church. Have I been inclusive of children of all ethnicities? Have I made sure that the children in our ministry are learning about Jesus and the Bible without bias? Are they prepared to walk out the doors and love everyone, regardless of what they look like, where they live, and how they speak? I hope that you’ll join us and likewise examine the ministry in which you serve. And if you are successfully inclusive, share with us how your ministry creates that atmosphere.

Kathie will be with us to talk about practical steps we can take in our ministries to begin displaying inclusivity.

Dorena is the author of the wonderful children’s book, “ColorFull,” part of a three-book series. It’s a book that each children’s ministry leader needs to have in his or her library. Dorena writes on her website, “The message is this: Be fully aware of the colors God made! Plants, animals, and especially people – all are created intentionally with color. See it. Celebrate it. Why be colorblind when we can be “ColorFull” instead!”  A pastor’s wife at Strong Tower Bible Church, a multicultural faith community in Nashville, Tennessee, Dorena says, “My passion for diversity stems from growing up in a pastor’s home that welcomed people from around the world. My parents lived a life of love towards people of every race, faith and culture. This laid the foundation for the work God had prepared for me!”

She is passionate about producing literary work that will impact the next generation for lasting change. We are so excited to have her with us and to hear her heart behind the book! We feel so strongly that this book packs a lot of power in starting the process of creating an inclusive children’s ministry that we have purchased 20 copies, which we will be giving away leading up to and during the forum. If you haven’t registered, please do so as soon as possible.  Watch the BCM/D Kids Facebook page for info about the giveaways!

We hope you’ll join us as we begin to encourage and shape the next generation of Christian leaders.

Note: Both Dorena Williamson and Kathie Philips will only be at the 2 p.m. forum. If you’re unable to make the 2 p.m. time, we will hold the recap at 7 p.m. and will have some books to give away at that time as well!

Kris Buckman is the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware’s children’s ministry and VBS consultant.