Christian Liberty Church — “Rise to Build”

By Sharon Mager

BALTIMORE, Md. — In West Baltimore, Christian Liberty Church (CLC) members are excitedly beginning renovations on a facility they purchased in 2018. “It’s a huge blessing,” said Senior Pastor Wayne Lee. He’s thrilled with the location. The building is just five minutes from Frederick Douglas High School, where members met before the COVID-19 shutdowns.

Pastor Wayne Lee and his wife, Pascha, take a moment from gutting their new building in preparation for rebuilding the inside (submitted photo).

They can continue to minister to and with their members and expand their outreach.

Church volunteers gathered to pray before doing the hands-on work of gutting the structure. It has taken time to build up the cash reserves to start. Contractors are now busy moving ahead with more advanced labor. Lee said the interior will be modern — which includes new electrical and HVAC systems.

Volunteers pray before preparing to work on their new building (submitted photo).

They’ll eventually occupy the left side of the building. To encourage passersby to take a second look, Lee said the CLC building will showcase a colorful, Christian-based mural on the outside wall.

Later, in phase two, the church hopes to build a worship center and café.

In God’s Hands
Throughout the project, Lee is focusing on Nehemiah 2:18, “I told them how the gracious hand of my God had been on me, and what the king had said to me. They said, ‘Let’s start rebuilding,’ and their hands were strengthened to do this good work.”

A volunteer helps pick up debris in CLC’s new building (photo by Wayne Lee).

Based on Nehemiah, CLC’s building campaign slogan is “Rise to Build.”

They’ve got a long way to go with $150,000 of the necessary $378,000 for the first phase but they’re not daunted. They’re trusting God.

“I’m not worried about it,” Lee said. It’s in God’s hands. “It’s His church. His way, and His time.”

Lee said they’re looking ahead to when they can hang their permanent blood-stained “banner of the Lord” in West Baltimore.

CLC seeks partners to help with the project. For more information, or to make a donation visit their website.