BCM/D Men’s Conference will focus on truth

By Sharon Mager

MIDDLETOWN, Md. — What’s better than gathering with a group of Christian men for fellowship, great food, prayer, worship, and learning from one another? Perhaps it’s sharing the experience on a mountaintop. The Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware (BCM/D) will offer that opportunity to men of all ages at a BCM/D Men’s Conference on January 31 and February 1. The conference will be at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, Maryland, and will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday and end at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

Bert Pridgen will be the guest speaker and will share from Titus about “Guarding the Truth.”

The conference will focus on living the truth. According to BCM/D Director of Evangelism Mark Dooley, there is a need for men to be able to stand for truth in a world that so often relativizes everything. “The challenge is to be a man who doesn’t just believe the truth, but unashamedly stands for the truth and lives it,” says Dooley.

Bert Pridgen will be the guest speaker and will share from Titus about “Guarding the Truth.” Pridgen, a retired U.S. Marine Colonel, is the director and program manager of V-22 (The Osprey) development and production at The Boeing Company. Pridgen and his wife, Tamla, love the Lord. They have been married for nearly three decades and have three adult children and one grandchild.

Dooley and BCM/D Executive Director Kevin Smith will lead breakout sessions, also based on the topic of truth. Dooley will speak on “Absolute Truth in a Relative World” and Smith will discuss “The Lies Men Believe.”

The cost is $80 and includes accommodations and three meals.

Space is limited. Register online.