By Sharon Mager
CROWNSVILLE, Md. The BCM/D General Mission Board (GMB) met on Dec. 3 at South Shore Church. Byron Day, GMB president, set the tone for the meeting, using the analogy of a race, as Paul did in the book of Acts. He spoke of the athletes who train for the marathon on the final day of the summer Olympics. They rise early, eat the right food, and carefully monitor what they put in their bodies.
Day said, “They’re running for a gold medal, a shoe endorsement, a diet supplement, or clothing endorsement. Brothers and sisters, there’s a greater race that must be won. A race that involves the eternal destiny of mankind. We’ve got to strive for the heavenly prize.”
BCM/D Church Health Team Lead Dan Hyun, preparing to open a time of corporate prayer, reflected on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descending on those gathered, and “…all different people groups coming together at a God-ordained time for a new day coming, the kingdom of God moving forward.” Hyun began the prayer session: “Lord, I thank you for the brothers and sisters in this room. In this small group, we represent so many churches and peoples, and Lord, what a big responsibility. We need to hear from you individually to collectively get a vision that will move us forward. Holy Spirit, move in this space right now.”
Many voiced praise and petitions: “Keep us humble and aware of our need for grace and mercy…pull us close to your bosom that we may hear the vibrations of your heart and give us what we need to move according to the beats of your heart…We ask and beg for your wisdom….Open our eyes to just how great thou art…”
Executive Director’s Report
BCM/D Executive Director Tom Stolle reflected on The Gathering (annual meeting) in November, calling it “remarkable,” with others agreeing. Stolle said, ”At The Gathering, there was a reminder from scripture that was mentioned over and over again: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” He said the scripture, from Luke 1:37, “… is an incredible reminder of God’s awesome, unlimited power over all things. It is also a challenge to us in this way: Do we really truly deeply sincerely believe that to the core of our being? Or instead, do we believe that for some things, but not all things we face, maybe not the hard things or the things we do consider impossible?”
“We are called to ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.’ (Proverbs 3:5 ESV). Trust. It’s a heavy word. Trust is defined as the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. I believe our collective success as leaders and trustees of the BCM/D depends on our trust in God. If we are obedient to God and humble before God, He can take us farther than we can imagine.
Looking ahead, Stolle said, “Let me tell you just a few things I am really excited about as we approach 2025.
- I’m excited about what will happen at Skycroft this year when young people come to camp, encounter the Holy Spirit, and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.
- I’m excited about what is happening in our men’s and women’s ministries as more men and women seek to become equipped and walk more closely with Jesus.
- I’m excited about where we are heading regarding the holistic transformation of men and women so they can walk in the fullness of their calling.
- I’m excited about our push into church planting as we work towards creating an indigenous church planting movement in Maryland and Delaware.
- I’m excited about our push into evangelism. We must tell the world about Jesus.
Whatever the future looks like, we are in the best hands because those hands are God’s hands!
(See below for the entire report)
Staff Reports
BCM/D Associate Executive Director/State Director of Evangelism Mark Dooley shared about a meeting on March 18 at South Shore Church for pastors to use North American Mission Board’s free evangelism kits. Dooley said the conference will teach pastors how to cultivate a culture of evangelism in their churches.
Dooley said he’s also excited about a grassroots initiative to preach an evangelistic message using John 3:16 on March 16 (3/16), a Sunday in 2025. “What could happen if hundreds of BCM/D pastors preached an evangelistic message on the same day?”
Skycroft Conference Center Director Emily Reedy shared that over 17,000 guests visited Skycroft in 2024. The staff is now preparing for the youth evangelism conference, Reboot 2025, in January. Nine hundred students and leaders have registered. Reedy said, “The Lord’s hand is on the ministry of Skycroft. He has always provided and continues to bring thousands to study, worship, and learn about Him.”
State Director of Church Planting Jamie Caldwell expressed the need for more churches in Maryland/Delaware and reiterated the emphasis on indigenous church planting. He told board members, “We do not succeed unless our churches buy into church multiplication.”
Jeremy Dickson, Church Strengthening Team lead, announced that Keith Myer is ready to take the helm of Disaster Relief with the help of Ellen Udovich, who will retire at the end of December. Additionally, he emphasized a move to improve the process of helping churches that need revitalization. Dickson also shared about the Church Leadership Conference (CLP) coming in August to equip church leaders in all areas of ministry.
Communications Director Somer Phoebus shared the missions and values from the BCM/D website and how the BCM/D desires to meet the needs of church leaders. She encouraged board members to inform their wives about a planned September Pastors’ Wives Retreat.
President’s Address
BCM/D President Fred Caudle closed the meeting, sharing from Mark 6 and the question, “What is your number one prayer right now?” Looking at Mark 6, a chapter of miracles, Caudle told board members not to doubt. “Everything is possible for the one who believes. The impossible is in our hearts. God is not inadequate.” In Mark 6, “God spoke! Listen to Him!”
Sharon Mager serves as BCM/D Communications Specialist/BCM/D News Editor; Michelle Mackall, Mid-Maryland Association Administrative Assistant and Women’s Ministry liaison, contributed to this article.
Feature Photo: A time of prayer at the GMB meeting. (Photo by Sharon Mager)