All New CK Weekend at Skycroft

CentriKid 2023 is sold out, BUT….

Skycroft dropped some big news, and I couldn’t be more excited! For the first time ever, they are offering a CentriKid Weekend Camp! If you haven’t heard, CentriKid 2023 at Skycroft is completely sold out – all four weeks.

BCM/D Children’s and Youth Ministry Consultant Kris Buckman gets in on the OMC fun! (photo submitted)

Here are five reasons why this CK Weekend so awesome:

1. Were you too late to register, and now the kids at your church are giving you the stink eye? If you couldn’t get into CentriKid, here’s your chance for redemption! CK Weekend has all the fun of a week-long camp, including OMC (if you know, you know)! Camp runs from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Worship time, track time, hang time, Bible study – it’s all there in one weekend!

2. Have you been considering CentriKid, but weren’t sure if your church kids would be down with it? If so, this is a great opportunity to put it to the test with your kids! If they like it (which, I’ve never heard a kid not like it) you’ll be ready to get them in for a full week in 2024. It’s also a great experience for those younger campers who may be a little nervous about leaving home for a week of camp. This is only two nights; totally doable for the newbies!

3. Have you struggled to find chaperones willing to take four days off work to go to summer camp with your kids (I mean, who wouldn’t want to take vacation days to hang up wet towels, stay up all night and dine three times a day with rowdy elementary kids?) CK Weekend check-in begins at 2 pm on Friday

Organized Mass Chaos (OMC) is always a CentriKid favorite! (photo submitted)

(dinner is served at 5:30 PM) and they’ll be home Sunday afternoon! 

4. It’s a good day to be part of the BCM/D! CK Weekend is being offered exclusively to BMC/D churches from now until February 15! You get first dibs! You won’t find info for this camp advertised on Skycroft’s website. You will only find it with this link. Here, you’ll find all the details, pricing, schedule, and registration button. 

5. Looking for some fun, kidmin equipping workshops for your staff/volunteers? I’m excited to share that I will be there that weekend, offering workshops for you and your chaperones! This is a great time to encourage your staff/volunteers to chaperone so they can participate in these workshops! While your kids are having a blast, your staff and volunteers will experience a weekend of equipping at no cost! Everyone wins at CK Weekend!

If you’re still reading this post and haven’t checked out CK Weekend yet, what are you waiting for? Hope to see you there; if not, more Skycroft cookies for me!

Kris Buckman serves as BCM/D’s children’s and youth ministry consultant. (cover photo submitted)