By Carla Hairston and Sharon Mager
MIDDLETOWN, Md. — BCM/D’s Everyone Belongs Camp kicked off on July 26, and 30-year-old Brandan Ehrmantraut couldn‘t wait to get there. He first attended the camp last year where he made friends, gained confidence, and said he experienced God‘s presence. “I really love the waterslide, the zipline, the pool and playing basketball,” Ehrmantraut said. He was especially excited that his mother could come with him to camp this year. “It was just awesome to share it with her and to hear the message at church and be surrounded by friends.”
Ehrmantraut said last year the zipline was a challenge. He said he prayed, walking towards it, up the steps, on the zipline, and coming down. “I’m scared of heights. Going on that zipline was a big step. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends at 12nine (a Bayside Baptist Church disability ministry) and with Miss Sherri (Swanson) and Anna (Swanson) supporting me. This year, I had the same support group, and my friend Jason, who has been my friend for years, got to go to camp for the first time. It was really nice. It was like a big family.”
BCM/D Staff Accountant Margot Painter, who co-directed the camp with BCM/D Disability Missionary Katie Matthews, agrees and said, “The camp is something you have to experience yourself to fully appreciate. There’s nothing else like it.”
Everyone Belongs Camp at Skycroft Conference Center began as a dream and has exploded into an ever-growing, joyful, God-given reality. Now in its fourth year, attendance has quadrupled, with over 115 campers, buddies, and additional volunteers.
There was an atmosphere of anticipation at the registration table in Gresham Hall, which was covered with custom name badges and T-shirts with the camp theme, “God Loves Us, We Love God, We Love Others.” The weekend included meals together, Bible studies and worship time, a campfire, swimming, a zipline, a waterslide, games, art, basketball, a talent show, and a much anticipated dance complete with a conga line.
Tommy Rowe, pastor of The Gathering Place Church, who served as camp pastor, challenged campers with the questions, “How does it make you feel to know that God loves you? How can you express your love back to God? How can you show love to others?”By the camp’s end, about ten individuals responded for prayer during an altar call.
There were also opportunities for parents. Chris McCombs, the pastor of Lexington Park Baptist Church, his wife Shawnetta, and their daughter Savannah provided a time of music and testimony, goodie bags and free snacks in Hebrews Coffee Shop. Savannah, who played her violin with her mother, Shawnetta, on the keyboard, said, “We got to connect with parents and encourage them that they’re not alone.”
New buddies were a little nervous at first, but were quickly in the mix and having fun. John Mackall, Mid-Maryland Baptist Association director of missions, and his wife, Michelle, served as buddies on Saturday. Michelle said, “I was a buddy to a gifted basketball player. I am serious when I tell you he may miss only once every five shots. He did not speak a lot, so you savored the moments when he did; so one of my favorite moments was when I caught the basketball as it bounced off the backboard and heard, ‘Nice catch!’”
Madison Wells-James served as a buddy for a young woman named Gabby, an athlete who loved to walk and the two covered about 12 miles in two days. Wells-James said Gabby appreciates the opportunity to take breaks to give herself some time to breathe, but she also just enjoys it. “She likes being outside in the sun, sitting in the grass.”
Campers’ highlights were varied and included the food, seeing friends, dancing, and swimming. Naomi said, “My favorite part of camp is the dancing, singing in the talent show, and well…everything!” One camper named Jacob called the camp, “miraculous.” Robert asked, “Can we do this for a whole week next year?”
One parent, Terry Hampton, said she appreciated the lack of technology. “That encourages getting outside,” she said. Jayne Buckner said she liked the opportunity campers had for developing their social skills.
Reflecting on the weekend, Matthews said, “A lot of people were out of their element but still having a wonderful time!” Matthews and Painter both expressed tremendous gratitude to the churches and individuals, as well as the Skycroft staff who made the camp happen.
The Everyone Belongs camp capped off a month-long disability ministry emphasis, including a newly designated BCM/D Disability Sunday on the second Sunday of July, in partnership with the Southern Baptists of Texas. Participating Maryland/Delaware churches used materials developed by the BCM/D to spotlight this area of ministry and families and individuals affected by disability. Following Disability Sunday, the convention had a week of prayer emphasizing disability ministry. Churches can still use these quality materials anytime.
BCM/D Executive Director Tom Stolle, whose son, Jimmy, is affected by non-verbal autism, said he is excited to have the opportunity to let individuals and families know, “We see you, we love you, and we want to include you in the church. Jesus died for you too.”
Stolle said, “I’m really excited that next year we will submit a resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention to have Disability Sunday recognized nationally and placed on the SBC calendar.”
Everyone Belongs Camp is made possible by the generous donations of partnering BCM/D churches when they give to the Cooperative Program. The Cooperative Program is our collective effort to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. When we partner together we can ensure the good news of the gospel is available to everyone and that people of all ages and abilities know that in the Kingdom, Everyone Belongs.
Feature photo: The Zipline is a camper favorite at Skycroft Conference Center. Many are nervous heading up but squeal with laughter and fun on the way down.
Carla Hairston serves as minister of worship at Cresthill Church, Bowie and has served with Everyone Belongs Camp since its inception.