The Church Partnership Team of the BCM/D is ready to assist churches in lining up pulpit supply and working with churches as they enter the pastor search process.


Pulpit Supply – Church Partnership missionaries can fill the pulpit for churches when the pastor needs to be away for vacation, illness, conference, or mission trip. In addition, if nobody is available for pulpit supply, we can help network you with others avenues of finding a speaker for your Sunday service. Reach out directly to Church Partnership team leader, Dan Hyun, at dhyun@bcmd.org for more information.

Pastor Search – When churches elect a search team, the team often wonders how to go about the monumental task of searching for the next pastor. Church Partnership missionaries are happy to meet with the search team to provide initial training and offer useful resources for the work. In addition, they are available for consultation along the way. Also, the BCM/D can provide resumes for consideration and suggest other sources from which a church can find resumes. For more information, contact BCM/D’s Associate Executive Director, Mark Dooley, at mdooley@bcmd.org.