Praying for Ukraine

Ukraine Prayer Guide

(BaptistLIFE editor’s note: Russia has invaded Ukraine since the prayer guide was published, but the prayer needs are, of course, still urgent)

After eight years of ongoing conflict, tension continues to mount on the border between Ukraine and Russia. Conflict between the two countries could spark a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, causing millions to be displaced from their homes.

SEND Relief, a cooperative ministry between the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board, is working with local Baptist partners in Ukraine to care for displaced families in desperate need of help and hope.

You can help! There is extraordinary power in prayer. Here are ten ways you can pray for the Ukraine crisis.

Pray for:
The people of Ukraine as tension builds on the Ukraine-Russia border.

  1. Strength, courage, and perseverance as their home is threatened by imminent conflict.
  2. Safe passages out of conflict zones for displaced populations.
  3. Government officials to lead with wisdom in this tense time
  4. The estimated 4 million displaced people who will be forcibly removed from their homes. Pray that in the face of conflict, they will find psychological, emotional, and spiritual healing from this trauma.
  5. Soldiers on both sides of this conflict to be safe from harm.
  6. Local churches, relief workers, and humanitarian aid organizations to care for what could be a massive wave of displaced peoples in Ukraine.
  7. Disciples Church in L’viv, Ukraine, and its church plant in Bryukhovychi. Many of the people there are displaced from the east. Pray for peace for these believers as they had hoped this conflict from eight years ago was over, and now, they are facing it again.
  8. The Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary as it wrestles with how to assist its students in this time of crisis.
  9. Ukrainian believers as they seek to be a light in the darkness.
  10. Ukrainians who have never heard the gospel to have an opportunity to experience the hope of Jesus.

This prayer guide was originally published by SEND Relief. For more information and ways you can help, visit SEND Relief’s website.