Top view of hand holding teal ribbon on dark background with copy space. Cervical and ovarian cancer, sexual assault, pcos, ptsd, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and scleroderma awareness concept.

Baptisms & Deacons
Epic Community Church, Aberdeen, celebrated six baptisms earlier this month! The church requests prayer for those recently baptized.

Six believers followed in obedience in baptism at Epic Community Church, Aberdeen. (Facebook photo used with permission)

New Covenant Baptist Church, Rockville, celebrated the baptisms of three new members earlier this month. Additionally, they installed five new deacons and celebrated the faithfulness of the previous deacons who served before them.

Port Ministry
Don Bryant, a member of Middle River Baptist Church, leads the Baltimore Baptist Association port ministry. In a recent report to the Baltimore Baptist Association, Bryant told of serving an average of 143 seafarers on 43 ships representing the following countries: Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Columbia, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Georgia, Great Britain, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Montenegro, Mozambique, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sri Lanka, South Vietnam, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

Bryant provides courtesy trips for shopping for crew members and gives away magazines, tracts, Bibles, Christian videos, devotional booklets, health kits, hats, scarves, gloves, cookies and candies.

Earlier in the year, a mission team from Pennsylvania assisted by packing health kits, and Bryant shared about the ministry with the group.

In the report, Bryant wrote, “I am willing to speak to a mission-minded group about this ministry. We are always looking to train new volunteers and there may be an employment opportunity for a bi-vocational pastor. Anyone interested in learning more about Port Ministry may email me at  [email protected]. The ministry is supported through gifts given through donations through the Baltimore Baptist Association.

New Covenant Baptist Church is celebrating three baptisms and a new deacon board. (Facebook photo used with permission)

Piercing the Darkness
Bruce Outreach Center, Westernport, will have their annual “Piercing the Darkness” on October 28. This has become one of the church’s biggest outreaches, drawing up to 700 people. Visitors enjoy “trunk or treat,” popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, cake walks, games, and more.

This year the men’s and women’s groups are working together to present the “G.O.S.P.E.L.,”

  • G — God created us to be with Him
  • O — Our sins separate us from God
  • S — Sins cannot be removed by good deeds
  • P — Paying the price for sin. Jesus died and rose again.
  • E — Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life
  • L —  Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

Hunter Cowan, daughter-in-law of BOC Senior Pastor David Cowan, said, “We’ve shifted all of our outreach opportunities this year to get as much scripture out there as possible. We’ve found that when we break it down to simple sentences, kids (and adults) will read and acknowledge God’s word.”

Bruce Outreach Center’s “Pierce the Darkness” draws up to 700 people each year. (Facebook photo from 2022 event, used with permission)

Volunteers constructed a sixteen-foot wide, twelve-foot tall curtain to represent the torn veil that all attendees will get to walk through. There’s also a stable with animals.

Hunter said, “Our goal is to make sure that the community can experience Jesus and His word, especially on a night like Halloween.”

Home for  the Holidays
The counseling ministry at Redemption City Church, Baltimore, is sponsoring a holiday help event for the church called “Home for the Holidays— Navigating Family Dynamics in Light of the Gospel.” from 9 a.m. to noon on November 11. The event is designed to equip individuals to navigate the “intricate dynamics of relationships with family and friends in light of the gospel.”

Topics include evangelism, discouragement, the power of prayer, and the hope of advent. The goal is for participants to “walk away with the tools and passion to head home this holiday season and invite your family members or friends into the Advent season with hope in Jesus Christ alone!”

Building Dedication
Emmanuel Church, Huntingtown, will have a dedication service for their Emmanuel Life Center from 10:15 – 10:30 a.m. on November 5, between the two Sunday church services, with a time of thanksgiving, prayer, rejoicing, and special recognitions. The church is excited about the building, which is designed to better support existing ministries and offer expanded outreach to the community.

Emmanuel Church, Huntington, will dedicate their new Emmanuel Life Center on November 5. (Facebook photo)

Hundreds at Harvest Festival
Weems Creek Church, Annapolis, had over 200 people visit for their Harvest festival. They had a petting zoo, bounce houses, face painting, static fire truck displays and members of the Navy Sprint Football team.

Middle School Ministry
First Baptist Church of Easton is reaching out to Middle Schoolers. The church is having a free block party from 6-8:30 p.m. on Oct. 20 for sixth to eighth graders with music, games, a bungee run, rock climb, slide, gaga ball, food, and more.

Send your news, announcements, photos, and holiday events to [email protected].