Leadership of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware
Convention Officers
All but the Corporate Secretary and Treasurer will be elected at each Annual Meeting by a majority of the duly elected messengers present and voting, and will hold office until their successors are elected and installed. Employees of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware are ineligible to serve as officers of this Convention with the exception of the Executive Director who will serve as Corporate Secretary and the Director of Finance who will serve as Treasurer.
Nominations will be from the floor. Election will be by ballot except where there is a single nominee for an office. In the latter case, the President will instruct the Secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominee.
Officers will serve for one (1) year and hold office until their successors are elected and qualified; however, the President and Vice Presidents may not serve more than two (2) complete successive terms in office. Terms of office will commence at final adjournment of the Annual Meeting in session at the time of their election and terminate in the final adjournment of the succeeding regular session of the Annual Meeting. In case of death, disability of, or other cause making necessary the retirement of the President, the Vice Presidents will succeed in order. The General Mission Board will determine when an office is vacant due to the disability of an incumbent.
The President will preside over the deliberations of the Annual Meeting and will perform other duties as may be customary to the position or as determined in the Bylaws, and will become an ex officio member of all Convention committees and boards. The President will continue as ex officio member of the General Mission Board for one full year immediately following tenure as President of this Convention unless elected to fill a vacancy in the regular membership of the Board.
The Vice President may, in the absence of the President or when requested by the President, preside over the Annual Meeting and will perform other duties as may be provided in the Bylaws or as requested by the President.
The Secretary will keep accurate minutes of all sessions of this Convention and will cause these to be published in suitable form in the Annual of this Convention together with other information as this Convention or the General Mission Board of this Convention deems necessary and proper.
The President will be authorized to sign legal papers for the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, Inc. If unable to do so, the First Vice President or the Second Vice President will be so authorized.
Should the President and Vice Presidents be unable to serve, the duties of the President will devolve upon the President of the General Mission Board until said Board will elect an interim President.
Fred Caudle, senior pastor of The Church @ St. Charles in Waldorf, Md.
First Vice President:
Ron Blankenship, director of mission of the Montgomery Baptist Association.
Second Vice President:
Anthony Minter, senior pastor of First Rock Baptist Church in Washington, DC.
Recording Secretary:
Stephanie Lefarriere, member of The Garden Church, Baltimore, Md.
Assistant Recording Secretary:
Mike Fillis, senior pastor of Fenwick Island Baptist Church, Selbyville, Del.
General Mission Board
The Rules of Order for the meetings of the General Mission Board will be those in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
The General Mission Board will be composed of three members from the geographic area of each association. For each 5,000 resident members or major fraction thereof, one additional Board member will be chosen, up to but not to exceed a total of ten Board members from any association. The President of this Convention, the President of the Brotherhood, the President of the Woman’s Missionary Union and the Maryland member of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee will serve as at-large members of the Board. Board members selected by virtue of their Convention offices, will not be used in determining the number of members from an association or local church.
The term of the office of the members will be four years with, as nearly as possible, the terms of one- fourth of the members expiring each year. Any member serving for a full term or three years of an unexpired term will not be eligible for reelection until one year has expired.
Membership on the Board will cease when the member dies, moves membership from a church within the Convention, or the member’s church ceases to be in cooperating fellowship with this Convention. In the event a member moves from a church in one association to another within this Convention, or the member’s church changes from one association to another within this Convention, the member will be eligible to serve until a successor is elected at the next Annual Meeting. Membership on the Board will automatically be terminated when a member is absent for two consecutive meetings of the Board without notification submitted to the Board President or the Executive Director. The member will be notified of such termination.
The members of the General Mission Board will be elected by this Convention, after receiving nominations from the committee selected by this Convention for this purpose, and after giving opportunity for nominations from the floor of this Convention.
The work of this Convention, except as otherwise specified, will be committed to the General Mission Board described as follows: The General Mission Board of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware will act for this Convention ad interim promoting all the interests of the Kingdom, such as evangelism, missions, education, benevolence, social welfare, and public morals, and so on. The General Mission Board will not have authority to control the agencies and institutions of this Convention, but it will maintain general care and responsibility for the work of same. It is instructed to study annually their reports, to interpret and apply the rules of the constitution and the business and financial policy of this Convention as items may apply to any of the agencies of this Convention, to make recommendations directly to agencies and also to make whatever recommendations to this Convention concerning them it may deem advisable.
Rev. Byron Day, senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Laurel, Md.
Vice President:
Rev. Jim Jeffries, senior pastor of LaVale Baptist Church, LaVale, Md.
Acting Recording Secretary:
Mrs. Megan Jones, Communications Director, Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, Columbia, Md.
Assistant Recording Secretary
Rev. Tom Stolle, Executive Director, Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, Columbia, Md.
- Joe Klipp
- Robin Shiflett
- Joey Nickerson
- Brad O’Brien
- Noble Nemieboka
- Ken Ledwell
Blue Ridge
- Jay Beard
- Bruce Conley
- Eli Choi
- Timothy Sands
- Tammy Lashey
- Drue Matthews
- Mark Thomas
- David Moore
- Joe Giles
- Travis Johnson
- John Mackall
- Matt McMillan
- Danny Moore
- Phil Hurst
- Bryan Arnett
- Garrett Conner
- Jason Pamblanco
- Adam Polk
Prince George’s
- Byron Day
- James Dixon
- Nate Thomas
- Gene Blailock
- Steve Hokuf
- Matt Fortunato
- Joy Aguila
- Jim Jeffries
- Wally Weeks
Ex-Officio Members
- Fred Caudle, BCM/D President
- Ron Blankenship, BCM/D 1st Vice President
- Anthony Minter, BCM/D 2nd Vice President
- Glenn Swanson, Previous BCM/D President, Maryland/Delaware
- Harold Phillips, SBC Executive Committee Member, Maryland/Delaware
- Dale Jones, WMU President, Maryland/Delaware
List of Committees
Committee on Credentials and Enrollment—The committee will consist of five members whose duties it will be to register messengers and visitors. This committee will review and rule upon any questions which may arise in registration concerning the credentials of messengers. Any such ruling may be appealed to this Convention during business session. This Committee will make a report to the assembled messengers upon the call of the President, and will pass on the credentials of all messengers.
Committee on Committees—This committee will consist of one member from each association whose duty it will be to nominate for election by this Convention the members and chairpersons of the committees listed in Sections 2 and 3 of this article, with the exception of the Committee on Committees, and other committees as may be assigned to it. Members of this committee will be appointed to a three-year term, one-third of its number retiring each year. A member of this committee cannot be nominated as a member of the General Mission Board, a trustee of the agencies of this Convention, or a member of any Convention committee.
Resolutions Committee—This committee will consist of five members. It will be responsible for initiating, reviewing, researching, preparing and recommending all resolutions for adoption. Only resolutions presented to the Resolutions Committee at least 45 days in advance of the Annual Meeting will be considered by the committee before the first session. Other resolutions may be referred to the committee by the general body during the session as described in Article VI, Section 2. Resolutions should seek to build up and unify the body rather than divide it; therefore, only resolutions that have the full consensus of the committee will be presented at the Annual Meeting.
Committee on Order of Business—This committee will consist of one member from each association. The members of this committee will be elected to a three-year term, one-third of their number retiring each year. The President of the Maryland/Delaware Ministers’ Conference and the music director for the Annual Meeting will serve as ex officio members of this committee. The committee will be responsible for recommending to this Convention the place, time, preacher, and music director of the Annual Meeting one year hence and, if feasible, the time and place two years hence. The committee will present to the opening session of the Annual Meeting for adoption, a recommended agenda for the Annual Meeting.
Committee to Nominate the Members of the General Mission Board and Trustees of the Agencies of this Convention—This committee will consist of one member from each association. Members of this committee will be elected to a three-year term, one-third of their number retiring each year. The head of an agency, or his representative, will meet with the committee to suggest names for consideration on the committee, for vacancies on the respective agency’s board of trustees and for the agency’s representatives on the General Mission Board. A member of this committee cannot be nominated as a member of the General Mission Board, a trustee of the agencies of this Convention, or a member of any Convention committee.
The Christian Life and Public Affairs (CLPA) Committee—This committee will act for this Convention in the field of Christian ethics, public affairs, interfaith cooperation, and Christian social concerns. Specifically, but not exclusively, these areas will include family life, human relations, race relations, moral issues, economic life, daily work, citizenship, church-state relations, cooperative relationships with other religious groups, and those areas where the gospel and the churches affect or are affected by community and public life. The Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee may act on matters referred to it by this Convention, by the General Mission Board, or by any agency of this Convention
The Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee will be responsible for initiating consideration and study, and for recommending action of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware and/or General Mission Board on any matter or issue falling within the scope and purpose as set forth in the preceding paragraph.
The committee will be elected and directly responsible to the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware. It will report annually to this Convention.
The committee is authorized to make pronouncements on matters within its scope and purpose in as far as they are consistent with actions previously taken by the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, the General Mission Board, or the Southern Baptist Convention. However, under no circumstances will the committee assume the exercise of authority for this Convention, its agencies or the churches.
The Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee will be composed of one member from each association. At least half the members will be lay people. All members will be elected by the Convention in the Annual Meeting. Members will be elected to a three-year term, one-third of their number retiring each year. No member can be elected to serve more than two full terms of office until at least one year will have elapsed after the second full term. A member may be elected to complete an unexpired term caused by vacancy and thereafter be elected to two full terms per above. In addition, the Executive Director will annually designate a Convention staff member as a consultant to this committee. Staff member succession will be at the discretion of the Executive Director.
The committee will elect a recording secretary and such other officers each year as it will deem necessary. The committee will meet quarterly and/or at such other times as will be designated by the chairperson.
The financial needs of the Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee will be through the budget of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware.
Special Dates
General Mission Board Dates
Tuesday, March 19, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm
Wednesday, September 10, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm
Tuesday, December 3, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Administrative Committee Dates
Tuesday, February 6, 10:30 am -2:30 pm
Tuesday, August 6, 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Tuesday, December 3, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
The Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware (BCM/D) closes every year on the following holidays (or the day they are observed):
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving and the Friday after
Christmas Eve – New Years Day
Below is the Calendar of Events for the Southern Baptist Convention. More information and future dates can be found on the SBC website.
Focus on Christian Discipleship
7-14 – January Bible Study
21 – Sanctity of Life Sunday
Focus on Christian Unity
4 – George Liele Church Planting, Evangelism, and Missions Sunday
18 – Focus on WMU Sunday
25 – Racial Reconciliation Sunday
Focus on North American Missions
3-10 – Week of Prayer and Mission Study for North American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
17 – Church Planting Emphasis Sunday
24 – Personal Evangelism Commitment Day
31 – Easter
Focus on Christian Evangelism
7 – Baptism Sunday
Focus on Christian Education
2 – National Day of Prayer
5 – SBC Seminary Sunday
19 – Children’s Ministry Sunday
Focus on Local and State Missions and Ministries
2 – Disaster Relief Sunday
8 – Crossover Indianapolis
9-10 – WMU Missions Celebration
11-12 – SBC Annual Meeting: Indianapolis
23 – Mission: Dignity Sunday
Focus on Christian Citizenship
7 – Religious Liberty Sunday
Focus on Christian Service
4 – Send Relief Sunday
11 – SBC Serve Sunday
25 – Global Hunger Sunday
Focus on Next Generation Ministries
21 – Children’s Missions Day
29 – Caring Well Sunday
Focus on Cooperative Program
6 – CP Sunday
20 – Day of Prayer for Associational Missions
27 – Student Baptism Sunday
Focus on Christian Compassion
3 – Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
10 – Orphans and Widows Sunday
Focus on International Missions
1-8 – Week of Prayer and Mission Study for International Missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
25 – Christmas