George Liele Leadership Institute

George Liele Leadership Institute will hold its 2024 Summer classes at the New Song Bible Fellowship Church (Formerly Washington Bible College).
The classes begin at 6:30 PM on Monday, May 6. We will offer one class and the class will be 2 hours in length and the course will run for 8 weeks. Register below!
MONDAY: Missions I – Introduction to Missions
COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Missiology can be defined as the Scientific Philosophy of cross-cultural communication of the Christian Faith. In the Great Commission, the Lord Jesus told us to: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Matthew 28:18-20) This command forms the nucleus and the genesis of missions. In this course (part 1), we will explore the origin and establishment of early Christian missions, from Jesus’ mission to the Jews to the three Pauline Missionary Journeys.
$29.00 per class
Registration is open until 5/6/24
New Song Bible Fellowship Church
The Miles Building
8401 Good Luck Rd
Lanham, MD 20706

We're sorry, the registration has closed for these classes.