CP: We’re Better Together!

CP stacked Logo

As Southern Baptists, we often use words that we assume everyone knows. One of those phrases is “The Cooperative Program,” or “CP.” So what is CP?

Basically, the Cooperative Program (CP) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is the cooperating effort of churches to pool their resources for the work of the gospel among SBC organizations. Cooperating together will help each of us to give Good News to the whole world. It is about unifying us, not dividing us. The CP keeps the convictional call before our churches to take the gospel to every person in every town, city, state and nation.

In the video below, Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware Executive Director Michael Crawford explains more about CP,  specifically from a Maryland/Delaware perspective and shares exciting opportunities.

CP is more about working together than working alone.

Working within your own church may get you somewhere faster, but it will never take you further in accomplishing the Great Commission. We can do more together than we ever can alone. We need each other to finish this great task together. Giving through the Cooperative Program helps each church to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Whatever the cost, whatever the risk, this worldwide mission must be our priority.

None of us can do it alone.

Jesus died for every person in every town, city, state, and nation. His call to us is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and to make disciples of all nations. None of us can do this alone, and no church can do this alone. Jesus’s call to each of us is overwhelming, but it is not impossible. How will we accomplish what Jesus is calling us to do? This is the question Southern Baptist leaders were asking almost one hundred years ago when they formulated the Cooperative Program. Since 1925, this strategic plan of action has been and still is the financial fuel that funds the advancement of the gospel we do together regionally, statewide, nationally, and globally. For the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Cooperative Program is our unified strategy to be part of finishing the task of reaching the world for Jesus Christ. It is about the mission, not the money. The Cooperative Program is built upon mission, not money, as the end goal.

BCM/D Associate Executive Director Tom Stolle said, “I believe that the Cooperative Program (CP) is the single most effective method for missions giving. Did you know that CP giving supports church plants, missions education, domestic and overseas missionaries, the training of future leaders through Baptist seminaries, and many other Christ-centered causes? The money you give to CP not only supports local initiatives but also provides support for more than thousands of missionaries working with the International Mission Board (IMB) and the North American Mission Board (NAMB). The bottom line is that people worldwide hear the gospel and have an opportunity to receive Jesus because of your generosity. October is Cooperative Program month. Together we can do more than we can separately. Thank you for your continued support and promotion of the CP.”

Visit the Cooperative Program page on our website for more information!

Compiled using SBC CP material and a previous BaptistLIFE article.