BCM/D Ready: DC Migrant Crisis Response — Can You Help?

Sleeping man inside transport terminal.<br />
Man couching on his luggage waiting for train departure sport smart casual relaxed dress code soft shirt and pants heavy winter boots interior background

The BCM/D recently kicked off a new initiative: BCM/D Ready, going beyond Disaster Relief, encompassing natural disasters AND sociological and community crises. We recently became aware of a situation in Washington, DC. Please read below to see how you can help! 

BCM/D Ready: DC Migrant Crisis Response

For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me inMatt 25:35 HSCB

Our Vision: Every association and church ready to respond to natural disasters and community needs.

Our Purpose: BCM/D Ready is designed to position our two-state, 11-association collective to be able to more effectively respond to natural disasters and community needs.

The Need: Over 7,500 migrants have been bussed to Washington, DC this year. They are asylum-seekers who have been processed by federal immigration authorities and have been released into the US to await their court date for their asylum hearing. Many of these are families with young children.

Our Response: The Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware is partnering with Pastor Alejandro Molero and Iglesia Sublime Gracia, who is coordinating ministry to meet the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of some of these families.

We invite you to:


  • For wisdom, grace, and favor for Pastor Alejandro and those ministering to the migrants
  • For the physical safety and emotional well-being of the migrants  
  • For people to hear the gospel and experience new life in Christ
  • For God to provide volunteers, key contacts, expert advisors, and necessary resources 
  • For favor with the DC government officials and others in authority
  • Comprehensive immigration reform 



  • Provide Spanish/English translation
  • Provide transportation for appointments
  • Host/provide temporary housing
  • Help families learn or practice English
  • Assist with other needs (spiritual/emotional care, recreation for kids, project logistics, etc.)

For more information or to volunteer, contact Pastor Alejandro Molero, [email protected]; 202.372.6131