BCM/D Assists Ukrainian Refugees

In response to the crisis in Ukraine, the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware (BCM/D) has formed Ukraine Relief, an initiative to connect local believers with Ukrainian refugees to show mercy and advance the spread of the gospel. The task force responsible for the initiative is working in conjunction with the Keystone Baptist Association (KBA) in southern Pennsylvania.

The task force is currently establishing channels for prayer, giving, and awareness. These are the most immediate needs, based on input from SEND Relief and other partners who are on the ground in Ukraine, Poland, and neighboring countries. However, there is a significant possibility that BCM/D churches will ultimately have the opportunity to sponsor refugee families. The task force is exploring options and developing channels through which churches can practically demonstrate the love of Christ to displaced and hurting Ukrainians.

The BCM/D has developed a webpage highlighting giving opportunities, prayer needs, and updates on Southern Baptists’ outreach in and around Ukraine. Current prayer requests will also be available on the BCM/D’s Facebook page. The task force anticipates that the Ukraine Relief webpage will expand over time as opportunities for practical outreach develop and expand. In addition, it is exploring the possibility of partnering with other Southern Baptist Convention entities to increase opportunities for service.

Meet the task force
Ellen Udovich, the BCM/D’s Disaster Relief, and community engagement consultant formed and is overseeing the group, drawing from her many years of experience and connections in crisis ministry.

Andrew Goins pastors Kingsville Baptist Church. The church is a unique blend of Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarussian believers, many of whom experienced Soviet oppression and have immigrated to the U.S.

Brad Horne is the director of missions for KBA in Pennsylvania. He served as an International Mission Board missionary to Russia and Ukraine for over two decades.

Rosalie Chesley serves as the assistant to the interim executive director and managing editor of BaptistLIFE at BCM/D. She first interacted with Slavic culture many years ago and has maintained an interest in that part of the world since that time.

If you would like to speak with a member of the task force, please contact Udovich or Chesley.