Aletheia Church & BCM Mission to Nicaragua

Top view of hand holding teal ribbon on dark background with copy space. Cervical and ovarian cancer, sexual assault, pcos, ptsd, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and scleroderma awareness concept.

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America with more than six million people, many of who are poverty-stricken. Since 2014, Aletheia College Park Church in Maryland has been partnering with the Christian non-profit Because We Care Ministries (BWCM), to send missionaries to Nicaragua.

God has used BWCM to provide humanitarian help and spiritual nourishment to the Nicaraguan people since its founding in 2000. The ministry is run by Nicaraguans with the help of other missionaries with the purpose of glorifying Jesus through creating a heart for the nations, making disciples in a third-world country and serving the needs of the people.

Nicaraguan translator Jose Rodriguez, with Pastor Rob Stephens on the way to a village. Photo by Grace Brinsfield.

“We want to continue to keep in our church God’s heart for the nations and have a global heart,” said Aletheia’s Lead Pastor Rob Stephens who has served in Nicaragua several times. The church halted sending missionaries to the country during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, but in May, they resumed their efforts.

This year, Stephens was accompanied by a dedicated team of student missionaries from UMD’s Baptist Collegiate Ministries and Aletheia — Ojo Akinwale, Grace Brinsfield, Ines Donfack and Casey Lopes. The team spent a week in Somotillo, a small city on the western border of Nicaragua, north of the country’s capital. Every morning, they shared their faith testimonies on a local radio show which broadcasted throughout Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador.

A young man has fun with a wild bird in Nicaragua. Photo by Grace Brinsfield.

They spent their days visiting two villages interacting with the people, playing games with children, distributing food and sharing the gospel. The Nicaraguans were very receptive to hearing the Word and talking with the missionaries. For many, it was an opportunity to temporarily forget their hardships and “take Nicaragua off for a day,” said one of the missionaries working alongside the Maryland/Delaware team.

God provided several opportunities to share the good news through playing soccer games, distributing bracelets, painting fingernails and reading Bible stories. Throughout the week, the team was emboldened by the Holy Spirit to step outside of their comfort zones. Stephens recalls one occasion with Okinwale. “Ojo, you’re up,” he told him. “We need you to share the gospel with everybody sitting in the food line right now,” and Ojo did without hesitation.

Akinwale along with Lopes and Donfack used their Spanish skills to translate and communicate with the locals. “Everything about it was my favorite part. I loved being there. I loved talking to kids and young girls who are open to talking with me,” said Donfack, who had no prior experience with international missions before Nicaragua. “I think it’s really special being able to see those international relationships formed, seeing the church in its whole diversity and seeing what God is doing in other countries.”

Every morning, they shared their faith testimonies on a local radio show which broadcasted throughout Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. Photo by Grace Brinsfield.

Despite the daily challenges of life, the Nicaraguans still expressed the joy of the Lord, demonstrating how God moves in broken situations. Most days throughout the week were filled with happiness and laughter. Even the musical worship was Spirit-filled, which Stephens expressed as being one of the highlights of the trip. He compared the mixture of English and Spanish praises to, “the beauty of heaven,” as everyone came together to lift their voices to the Lord. This is just a snapshot of what heaven will be like when all the nations bow before the Lord and sing his praises forever and ever.

Prayer List for Nicaragua:

  • Pray for those who do not have a relationship with the Lord
  • Pray for basic needs to be met, especially food
  • Pray for more churches to be planted
  • Pray for the already established churches and wisdom for their leaders
  • Pray for the mission teams that continue to partner with BCMD
  • Pray for the infant mortality rate to decrease


Madison Wells-James is a recent graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park and a freelance writer and photographer.

Feature photo: Ines Donfack (center) with other missionaries traveling in Nicaragua. Photo by Grace Brinsfield.