Every January, churches receive requests to complete the Annual Church Profile (ACP). Some immediately fill out the form and return it; others send it in a bit later, and some, well, toss it into “File 13,” otherwise known as the “Round File.” And SBC churches are autonomous, so completing the form is voluntary, and there’s no pressure. But we wanted to share a little more about the ACP with you, so you understand what it is and why we believe it’s important. So below are the five “W’s” and the “Sometimes ‘Why’” to help!
WHAT: The ACP is an online form that churches complete, sharing various statistical data, including baptisms, attendance, offerings, leadership, and other information.
WHO? Usually, the church administrator or another person the pastor designates completes the form.
WHERE? The most convenient way to complete the form is to do it online. If that is not possible, churches may email Church Services Support Specialist Demetra Bennett.
WHEN? The deadline is February 28.
HOW? Just follow the prompts to complete the form. If you have questions, contact Demetra Bennett.
WHY? This is the most important question – because why should you take the time to fill out a form? There are several answers. First, it benefits the church. As you complete the information, it makes you look back on the past year to see how you’re doing. It’s also a time to reflect on how God is blessing you and gives you a chance to see areas that may need some improvement.
The information is processed through Lifeway, which provides results to the Southern Baptist Committee, giving the SBC a national snapshot.
The data helps the BCM/D help you! We can see overall trends and get an idea of where our conventions need help overall and individually.
So please, complete the ACP — and look at it as a snapshot of your church the previous year — a family picture, part of a mosaic of churches across Maryland/Delaware, because we are part of the family of God.
Feature Photo: a baptism at Christian Liberty Church (Facebook photo used with permission)