State Missions Offering

Every year in September, churches in the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware unite together to pray and financially support ministries and initiatives that reach people with the Gospel in specific ways.

This year, 100% of the STATE MISSIONS OFFERING will be dedicated to equipping and resourcing BCM/D churches in their mission to plant new churches and revitalize declining churches as we strive to expand God’s Kingdom.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the State Missions Offering (SMO)?

The State Missions Offering is an annual financial contribution made by BCM/D churches. This offering is given in addition to their regular Cooperative Program contributions to support specific mission-focused initiatives.

How is the SMO used?

The SMO is dedicated to supporting BCM/D churches in their efforts to revitalize and plant new churches and to raise up teams and church plant leaders. This funding helps to expand God’s Kingdom through these initiatives.

Why should our church participate in the SMO?

Participating in the SMO allows your church to play a vital role in Kingdom growth within the BCM/D. By contributing, you help provide the necessary resources for planting new churches, revitalizing older churches, and developing church leaders, ensuring the ongoing spread of the Gospel.

How is the SMO different from the regular Cooperative Program giving?

The SMO is an additional, designated offering that specifically targets church planting, church revitalization, and leadership development within the BCM/D. In contrast, the regular Cooperative Program giving supports a broader range of ministry efforts and operational expenses.

When is the SMO collected?

The SMO is collected annually, and contributions can be made at any time throughout the year. In 2024, the SMO Week of Prayer will be held from September 8th to 15th. During this week, we ask our churches to pray specifically for the initiatives supported by the SMO and to consider how the Lord may lead them to contribute.

Can individual church members contribute to the SMO directly?

Yes, individual church members can contribute to the SMO. Contributions can be made through their local BCM/D church, which will then forward the collected funds as part of the church’s total SMO contribution.

How can we promote the SMO in our church?

Promoting the SMO can be done through various means, including sermons, special events, informational brochures, social media campaigns, and personal testimonies from those involved in church planting and revitalization efforts. We have provided a media kit for you to use in your promotional materials located below under ‘Downloads’.


How can we learn more about the impact of the SMO?

Every year during The Gathering, our Annual Family Meeting of BCM/D churches, we provide updates on how the funds are being used and the positive outcomes resulting from the offering.

How can we pray for the SMO?

We’ve provided a Prayer Guide for you to download and use during our SMO Week of Prayer September 8th  – 15th. See ‘Downloads’. 

Who can we contact for more information about the SMO?

For more information about the SMO, you can contact the BCM/D office directly or speak with your local church leadership, who can provide additional details and guidance on how to get involved.

Give to State Missions

Complete the form to make a gift.

Account Number: 25-250-2500999998

Billing Address(Required)
Credit Card(Required)
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date