by Sharon Mager | Aug 4, 2023 | disability ministry, ESL, Featured, Skycroft Conference Center, Special Needs
By Ben McBride, Madison Wells-James and Sharon Mager It was hot, sticky and abundantly joyful at the annual “Everyone Belongs” Camp, July 28-30 at Skycroft Conference Center. The camp, sponsored by the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware (BCM/D), Cresthill Church,...
by Sharon Mager | Feb 2, 2023 | Featured, Obituaries
DAGSBORO, De — Tanya Ehlers, wife of Dr. Andrew Ehlers, Pastor of High Tide Church in Frankford, Delaware, passed away on January 20 after battling stage 4 colon cancer for 38 months. She served with Andy to plant High Tide, led the children’s ministry for 20 years,...