“Stoll-en Moments” Have Fun!

Top view of hand holding teal ribbon on dark background with copy space. Cervical and ovarian cancer, sexual assault, pcos, ptsd, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and scleroderma awareness concept.

By Tom Stolle

Today, I allow my thoughts to carry me back to my youth. As I reflect on these memories, I realize that life was much less complicated for me than it is now, but there were challenges. At that time, some of the challenges felt daunting. There were exams to study for and pass, social dynamics to navigate at school, and the pressures
to fit in while at the same time asserting my independence and displaying who I felt I was designed to be. I was always thankful for the school year ending, and I could get away from some of these troubles and pressures and enjoy — SUMMER!

Boys celebrate after a color war win at Skycroft Conference Center. (Photo Courtesy of Skycroft Conference Center)

Summer was a time to have fun — to hang out with my closest friends and do things together that we wanted to do. I didn’t have to worry about fitting in because my buddies knew who I was, I knew who they were, and it was good. We wanted to be together, and some of my favorite memories were the result of these experiences.

God works through all things, including fun! That’s the beauty of what happens at Skycroft Conference Center every summer. Thousands of young people arrive for camp. They hear intentional messages about Jesus and how Jesus loves them. They hear that Jesus died for them and rose from the dead so they can have eternal life by accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord. They hear all of this in the context of having fun!

The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” God wants us to have fun. This verse refers to a cheerful heart as “medicine.” God can use fun to help us to be well.

Kids learn about Jesus while doing team building fun at Skycroft Conference Center)

Last summer at Skycroft, there were 86 salvations/decisions for Jesus! EIGHTY-SIX!!!!!!! The Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware sees more decisions made for Christ through the ministry of Skycroft than any other single ministry we are involved in or support. Over the 50-plus years of Skycroft being a part of the BCM/D, thousands of young people have professed Jesus as Lord and made other decisions for Christ as a result of what happens on the mountain in the summer. God works through fun, and there is a lot of it during camp time!

Think about it. The campers are told about the greatest story ever told, the message of ultimate hope, and it’s wrapped up in fun! Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say rejoice!”  Rejoice means to show great joy! God says to do it always. One of the greatest things about knowing that you are saved and secure in Jesus is that you can experience great joy in spite of your circumstances.

We know that sometimes circumstances can be really hard. Sometimes life brings things that are very painful. I encourage you, in these times, to remember that God says a cheerful heart is good medicine.

Try to get out there and have some fun! In Jesus’ name!

Tom Stolle serves as the executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware.

 Visit Skycroft.org for information about 2025 camps, but also keep Skycroft in mind for your church retreats or personal events. Craft your own youth event, rent the pool. There’s lots you can do!