Plaque & Reception Honor Skyroft Founders James Allcock & John Saunders

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MIDDLETOWN, Md. — Many brothers and sisters in Christ, some who haven’t seen each other in decades, gathered at Skycroft Conference Center on August 11 for a plaque presentation and celebration honoring James Allcock and John Saunders, who were instrumental in acquiring the Skycroft property, affectionately known as, “The Mountain for the Master.”

Jana Liebermann and her sister Melody Will, daughters of James Allcock, donated a plaque to honor James, John, and others who championed Skycroft’s foundation and were influential in the early years. The plaque was installed in Gresham Hall. (Photo by Sharon Mager)

Jana Liebermann and Melody Will, daughters of Allcock and his wife, Mary DeLaine, organized the event and purchased the plaque from a portion of memorial funds their parents generously left Skycroft. James passed away on February 18, 2022, and his wife, Mary DeLaine died just seven weeks later on April 8. The Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware celebrated Skycroft’s 50th anniversary in 2023.

Guests shared stories, sang joyfully together so that it echoed off the walls, and enjoyed refreshments together.
Allcock served as the first full-time State Music Secretary from 1966-1987. During the late ‘60s, the camping ministry was expanding rapidly with RA camps, Brotherhood, WMU summer weeks and James’ dream of summer music camps. Saunders served the BCM/D from 1961-1980. Early in his ministry, he directed church music, student ministry, and Baptist men. Later, as the convention added staff, he directed the Brotherhood, which included the Royal Ambassadors for Boys and the camping program. Lastly, he served as the missions director.
John and James shared a similar vision for a place where individuals and churches of the BCM/D could come for fellowship, worship, discipleship, and training to prepare to impact Maryland and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They loved the land on South Mountain and the churches. It brought them joy to see this place being used for the glory of God.
Throughout the afternoon, guests shared stories about the men’s excitement about Skycroft, their calling, their humor, and the music. A highlight of the afternoon was when guests sang “Our Mountain for the Master,” written by James, a hymnologist, for the first Capital Stewardship Campaign for Skycroft. Jon Evans, a school music teacher and Minister of Music who knew and loved Allcock and led the time of remembrance and singing, said, “That rascal put every verse to a different tune, but that’s okay. He wants us to be familiar with all the various tunes. James could give more information about hymns than anyone I know.” Evans led the song as a thanksgiving to God and a tribute to Allcock.
The song can be sung to several different familiar tunes, as shown below. For the last verse, attendees held hands and stood in a circle as they sang.
Our Mountain For The Master, Dear Father, let it be
In study or in leisure, a place, O’ Lord, with Thee.
A place for preparation, for study of Thy Word;
A place of contemplation to let Thy voice be heard.
From Western Maryland’s mountains, Del-Mar-Va’s rolling seas,
From city plaza’s fountains, and suburbs lined with trees,
We now unite our treasure in service of our Lord
Through gifts of differing measure to spread abroad Thy Word.
We build this Conference Center to study and to train,
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, thru sunshine and thru rain.
A year-round place of witness, a wondrous place to be,
That we may prove our fitness, Committed, Lord, to Thee.
Join hands then, fellow Christians, your time and talents give.
We serve a risen Savior who died that we might live.
We dedicate this project to magnify His cause,
To follow His commandments and not for man’s applause.
May be sung to the following tunes (Meter:
Webb (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus)
Aurelia (The Church’s One Foundation)
Lancashire (Lead On, 0 King Eternal)
Geibel (Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus) Add this refrain:
Join hands, then Christians, your time and talents give.
Our Mountain for the Master, Our message–to share the Christ who lives.
Bob Simpson, a past BCM/D staff member, pastor, and music minister, referring to James and John, said, “These giants of the faith in Maryland/Baptist history did more for the BCM/D than any others I have known. All of us who followed them stand on their shoulders. They certainly deserved the ‘well-done good and faithful servant’ that I am confident they received.”
(See the video below to show the group singing one of the verses of “Mountain for the Master” to the tune, “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus)

Jana Liebermann and Melody Will provided portions of this article taken from the inscription on the plaque.
Feature photo shows attendees gathered together to sing the last verse of “A Mountain for the Master.”
Sharon Mager is a communication specialist and BaptistLIFE editor.