CLPA: Pending Maryland Legislation

Top view of hand holding teal ribbon on dark background with copy space. Cervical and ovarian cancer, sexual assault, pcos, ptsd, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and scleroderma awareness concept.

April 10, 2024

Dear Pastor & Church Leaders,

As a fellow pastor, I feel a great sense of tension when it comes to political things. I feel like I understand a good bit about where biblical faith and politics collide, but I also want to be sensitive to the needs and concerns of my congregation and the community in which we live. I want to be aware, active, and vocal, but I also want to be welcoming and compassionate, and I certainly don’t want to do anything that would dishonor God or turn people away from the glorious message of the love of Jesus. Living in a representative democracy as we do makes navigating that balance a bit like walking on eggshells or hot coals.

I, along with other pastors and brothers and sisters in Christ from the Christian Life and Public Affairs Committee (CLPA) of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, would like to present before you some concerns that may affect Maryland and Delaware citizens and the lives that God has created in critical ways.

Below, you’ll find several bills that are coming before the Maryland General Assembly and the Delaware Legislature along with several scriptures that may inform a biblical/Christian/Baptist view on these matters. There is also a constitutional amendment that will be coming before Maryland voters in November. It’s ultimately up to you and your fellow elders/leaders to decide how to pass this along to your congregation.

There are over 420 Baptist churches in Maryland and Delaware, which represent approximately tens of thousands of voters. We can make a difference in some of these. In fact, just recently, the Maryland General Assembly was considering Physician-Assisted Suicide Legislation. Due to the outcry from concerned citizens, that legislation was tabled again! When we speak out, we can make a difference.

We are praying along with you for wisdom regarding how best to lead your congregation. We have been given a weighty task, and yet who knows whether we all were called for such a time as this (Esther 4:14; Acts 17:26). Please prayerfully consider the bills that are before our legislators and take action as the Spirit and the Word direct you to do so.

Your brother in Christ, along with your brothers and sisters at the CLPA,

Joel Gilbert

Pastor, Poolesville Baptist Church

CLPA Members

Arundel Baptist Association– Faith Loudon

Baltimore Baptist Association – Bill Voelp

Blue Ridge Baptist Association – Jon McCord

Eastern Baptist Association — Ken Cross

Mid-Maryland Baptist Association —  Mark Tapscott

Potomac Baptist Association Association Ron Curry

Prince Georges Baptist Association– Anthony Minter

Delaware Baptist Association – Paula Shelton

Montgomery Baptist  Association– Joel Gilbert

Susquehanna Baptist Association – Daniel Mele

Western Baptist Association – Marty Jellison

Pending Maryland Legislation

The following bills are in various stages of consideration in Annapolis. Links to the text of the bills are included when you click on the bill number (blue-underlined text). Your church members can find their representative at this link:

HB0558 – Mandates that county schools implement state guidelines for sexual education. These guidelines include matters related to physical and mental health, substance abuse and prevention, family life, human sexuality (which parents have the option to have their child optout), gender identity and sexual orientation (no opt out provision), safety and violence, safe and appropriate social media use, healthy eating, and disease prevention and control. The House has passed the third reading of this bill. The Senate heard it on March 27, 2024.

  • Biblical perspective: Mark 9:42

HB0074 “Lifesaver” schools program. This bill designates a school as a “Life Saver” school if it provides training for students in certain areas – including CPR and First Aid, Mental Wellness or Peer Mentoring – which may include peer-to-peer abortion promotion.

  • Biblical Perspective: Isaiah 28:15-18

HB0184 – Universal healthcare which may include taxpayer-funded abortion

  • Biblical Perspective: Proverbs 1:1-16

HB0657 – This bill mandates that colleges and universities implement policies for pregnant and parenting students that is consistent with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The institution’s policy must be posted on the institution’s website. These policies may include accommodations for abortion without a parent’s consent.

  • Biblical Perspective: Ephesians 5:8-14

Maryland Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment – This amendment to the Declaration of Rights in the Maryland Constitution will be on the ballot in November, making abortion for any reason the law of Maryland at any stage of a pregnancy. (Unnecessary, harms women, and removes parental rights) The Amendment states:

That every person, as a central component of an individual’s rights to liberty and equality, has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end one’s own pregnancy. The state may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.”

  • Biblical Perspective: Psalm 139:14

Pending Delaware Legislation

While we only have one member of the committee in Delaware, we wanted to be able to pass along some information that may impact Delaware churches. Below are some bills in various stages of consideration in the Delaware Legislature.

HS1 for HB110 – “Taxpayer-Funded Abortion” Provides insured and Medicaid coverage for abortions – without deductible or co-pay. This Bill is currently in the appropriations committee.

  • Biblical Perspective: Proverbs 1:1-16

HB140 – “Assisted Suicide” Mailing suicide drugs residence for self-administration – This bill is currently on a “Ready List” indicating a likely vote soon.

  • Biblical Perspective: Job 33:4

HB275 – “Expand Sexual Orientation Definitions Throughout Delaware Code” Adds asexuality and pansexuality to the definition in all cases. This has passed the House and is being considered by a Senate Committee.

  • Biblical Perspective: Genesis 1:27

HB 265 This amendment seems to add a civil penalty for entities that publish or distribute harmful or sexually explicit material to minors. This is on a ready list for consideration before the House. This one sounds reasonable and may be worthy of endorsement.

  • Biblical Perspective: Matthew 18:6

Other resources to consider