Grace Seaford Church: Rescue the Perishing SEAFORD, De. — Like many other houses of worship, Grace Seaford Church, Delaware, opens its doors during cold weather to provide housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. Rather than providing a week, however, Grace...
“Hands and Feet for Jesus” Serves a Heaping Helping of Compassion By Shelley Mahoney GLEN BURNIE, Md. — Every Saturday, rain or shine, and sometimes in snow, volunteers from Faith Glen Burnie Church’s Hands and Feet for Jesus ministry serve home-cooked meals and give...
Health Kits Open Doors for Ministry Here’s a great mini-mission project with maximum impact – Health Kits! Throughout the year, various missionaries and volunteers use these kits, filled with some basic hygiene items, to “break the ice” with people, get a chance...
Epiphany Church Finding Unique Means to Reach Community WILMINGTON, De. — Epiphany Church is embarking on a new mission to strengthen, serve, and share the love of Christ with the Wilmington community. The five-year-old church plant, led by pastor Derrick Parks, is...